Call Number (LC) Title Results
LB2806.15 .G57 2006 Curriculum leadership : development and implementation / 1
LB2806.15 .G58 1987 Curriculum renewal / 1
LB2806.15 .G66 1997 The changing curriculum : studies in social construction / 1
LB2806.15 .G68 1997 Joint curriculum design : facilitating learner ownership and active participation in secondary classrooms / 1
LB2806.15 .G75 2012 Shifting Strands : Curriculum Theory for a Democratic Age.
Shifting strands curriculum theory for a democratic age /
LB2806.15 .G758 1997eb Joint curriculum design : facilitating learner ownership and active participation in secondary classrooms / 1
LB2806.15 .G7613 2009 Paulo Freire and the curriculum / 1
LB2806.15 .G7613 2016 Paulo Freire and the curriculum / 1
LB2806.15 .G78 1987 Curriculum : product or praxis? / 1
LB2806.15 .G78 1987eb Curriculum : product or praxis? / 1
LB2806.15 .H34 2000 Expanding curriculum research and understanding : a mytho-poetic perspective / 1
LB2806.15 .H346 2010 An educational leader's guide to curriculum mapping : creating and sustaining collaborative cultures / 1
LB2806.15 .H37 2017 Using collaborative inquiry to improve student engagement and agency through innovative pedagogy / 1
LB2806.15 .H47 2001 Curriculum planning : integrating multiculturalism, constructivism, and education reform / 1
LB2806.15 .H57 1993 Radical curriculum theory reconsidered : a historical approach / 2
LB2806.15 .H65 1989 The curriculum : a comparative perspective / 1
LB2806.15 .I568 2000 Interdisciplinary curriculum : challenges to implementation / 1
LB2806.15 .I57 1989 Interdisciplinary curriculum : design and implementation / 2
LB2806.15 .I58 1994  
LB2806.15 .I595 2003 International handbook of curriculum research / 1