Call Number (LC) Title Results
LB2806.36 .G58 2008 The global assault on teaching, teachers, and their unions stories for resistance /
The global assault on teaching, teachers, and their unions : stories for resistance /
LB2806.36 .G66 2000 The great school debate : choice, vouchers, and charters / 1
LB2806.36 .G66 2009eb The great school debate choice, vouchers, and charters /
The great school debate : choice, vouchers, and charters /
LB2806.36 .G68 2013eb The seeds we planted : portraits of a native Hawaiian charter school / 1
LB2806.36 .G69 2013 PPP Paradox : Promise and Perils of Public-Private Partnership in Education. 1
LB2806.36 .G74 2004 Charter schools and the law : establishing new legal relationships / 1
LB2806.36 .G84 1997 Guidebook to Colorado charter schools : key issues for start-up and implementation of charter schools / 1
LB2806.36 .H37 1999 The charter school challenge : avoiding the pitfalls, fulfilling the promise / 2
LB2806.36 .H46 2009 Spin cycle : how research is used in policy debates : the case of charter schools / 1
LB2806.36 .H54 2002eb Charter schools and accountability in public education / 2
LB2806.36 .H87 2015 The end of public schools : the corporate reform agenda to privatize education / 1
LB2806.36 .I34 2013 Identifying leaders for urban charter, autonomous and independent schools : above and beyond the standards / 1
LB2806.36 .I57 2000 Inside charter schools : the paradox of radical decentralization / 1
LB2806.36 .I57 2002eb Inside charter schools : the paradox of radical decentralization / 1
LB2806.36 .I575 2005 Inspiration, perspiration, and time : operations and achievement in Edison Schools /
Inspiration, Perspiration, and Time : Operations and Achievement in Edison Schools.
LB2806.36 .I575 2005eb Inspiration, perspiration, and time : operations and achievement in Edison Schools / 1
LB2806.36 .J33 2005  
LB2806.36 .J64 2014 Culture and structure at a military charter school : from school ground to battle ground / 1
LB2806.36 .L63 2004 The charter schools decade / 2
LB2806.36 .M25 1996 Private and public school partnerships : sharing lessons about decentralization / 1