Call Number (LC) Title Results
LB2844.1.N4 B83 2013 A Newly Qualified Teacher's Manual : How to Meet the Induction Standards. 1
LB2844.1.N4 B85 1989 First-year teacher : a case study / 2
LB2844.1.N4 B85 1997 "First-year teacher" eight years later : an inquiry into teacher development / 3
LB2844.1.N4 C38 2002 A classroom of her own : how new teachers develop instructional, professional, and cultural competence / 2
LB2844.1.N4 C54 1997 Bright ideas : a pocket mentor for beginning teachers / 1
LB2844.1.N4 C56 2003 But high school teaching is different! : success strategies for new secondary teachers : a get ready checklist for classroom and substitute teachers / 1
LB2844.1.N4 C63 1999 Educating Esmé : diary of a teacher's first year / 1
LB2844.1.N4 D43 2004 The effective primary school classroom : the essential guide for new teachers / 1
LB2844.1.N4 D43 2005eb The effective primary school classroom : the essential guide for new teachers / 1
LB2844.1.N4 D47 1998 What to expect your first year of teaching / 1
LB2844.1.N4 D47 2000 Survival guide for new teachers : how new teachers can work effectively with veteran teachers, parents, principals, and teacher educators / 1
LB2844.1.N4 D59 2011eb The ultimate teaching manual : a route to success for beginning teachers / 1
LB2844.1.N4 D65 1992 Voices of beginning teachers : visions and realities / 2
LB2844.1.N4 E35 2016eb The novice advantage : fearless practice for every teacher / 1
LB2844.1.N4 E73 2008 What teachers should know but textbooks don't show / 1
LB2844.1.N4 E84 1983 Essential knowledge for beginning educators / 1
LB2844.1.N4 ebook Mi primer año como docente : gestionarlo y vivirlo / 1
LB2844.1.N4 F44 2021 Novice teachers embracing wobble in standardized schools : using dialogue and inquiry for self-reflection and growth / 1
LB2844.1.N4 F56 1991 The First year of teaching : real world stories from America's teachers / 1
LB2844.1.N4 F56 1997 Finding a voice while learning to teach / 1