Call Number (LC) Title Results
LB41 .A43 1987 Discurso pronunciado en el acto de la inauguración y apertura del Colegio de la Merced / 1
LB41 .A48 1990 America's choice : high skills or low wages! : the report / 2
LB41 A489 2012eb Pedagogía de la ternura : conceptos básicos / 1
LB41 .A6 Education and economic development / 1
LB41 .A758 1980 Measuring and attaining the goals of education / 2
LB41 .A8 1997 Attaining excellence a TIMSS resource kit / 1
LB41 .A82 1975 Schools in search of meaning / 1
LB41 A82 1975 Schools in search of meaning / 1
LB41 .A874 2017eb Assessment in ethics education : a case of national tests in religious education / 1
LB41 .A88 Colleges and commitments / 1
LB41 .B254 The purposes of education / 3
LB41 .B34 Culture and education for the contemporary world / 1
LB41 .B375 2023 Reclaiming Anishinaabe Law Kinamaadiwin Inaakonigewin and the Treaty Right to Education. 1
LB41 .B44 Under their own command : observations on the nature of a people's education for war and peace / 1
LB41 .B452 The school and the economic system / 1
LB41 .B459h Hagamos de toda América una escuela. 1
LB41 .B47 1941 Hagamos de toda América una escuela. 1
LB41 B517 2011eb Leer periódicos en casa. Proyecto Mediascopio Prensa. La lectura de la prensa escrita en el aula / 1
LB41 B575 2009eb Esbozos para una pedagogía personalista / 1
LB41 .B586 Economics of education : selected readings / 1