LC 14.23:R 40094/
Iran's nuclear program : Tehran's compliance with international obligations / |
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LC 14.23:R 40095/
Foreign assistance to North Korea / |
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LC 14.23:R 40096/
2006 National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for fine particulate matter (PM2.5) : designating nonattainment areas / |
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LC 14.23:R 40097/
Severe thunderstorms and tornadoes in the United States / |
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LC 14.23:R 40098/
Water quality issues in the 111th Congress : oversight and implementation / |
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LC 14.23:R 40102/
Foreign aid reform : studies and recommendations / |
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LC 14.23:R 40110/
Biofuels incentives : a summary of federal programs / |
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LC 14.23:R 40113/
Federal budget process reform in the 111th Congress : a brief overview / |
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LC 14.23:R 40118/
An overview of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program / |
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LC 14.23:R 40122/
Federal student loans made under the Federal Family Education Loan Program and the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program : terms and conditions for borrowers / |
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LC 14.23:R 40127/
The impact of food insecurity and hunger on global health : issues for Congress / |
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LC 14.23:R 40132/
The President's State of the Union address : tradition, function, and policy implications / |
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LC 14.23:R 40133/
Office of the House of Representatives Inspector General (CRS Report) / |
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LC 14.23:R 40134/
"Fast track" procedures to disapprove additional funds under the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act / |
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LC 14.23:R 40138/
Origins and impact of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) provisions that expired on March 15, 2020 / |
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LC 14.23:R 40141/
501(c)(3)s and campaign activity : analysis under tax and campaign finance laws / |
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LC 14.23:R 40142/
Health insurance continuation coverage under COBRA / |
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LC 14.23:R 40143/
Ocean acidification / |
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LC 14.23:R 40145/
Clean air issues in the 111th Congress / |
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LC 14.23:R 40147/
Infrastructure : green building overview and issues / |
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