Call Number (LC) Title Results
LC 14.23:R 40755/ U.S.-Vietnam economic and trade relations : issues for the 111th Congress / 1
LC 14.23:R 40756/ Foreign aid reform : agency coordination / 1
LC 14.23:R 40757/ Veterans' benefits : dependency and indemnity compensation (DIC) for survivors / 1
LC 14.23:R 40760/ House Office of Congressional Ethics : history, authority, and procedures / 1
LC 14.23:R 40763/ Agricultural conservation : a guide to programs / 1
LC 14.23:R 40767/ How treasury issues debt / 1
LC 14.23:R 40770/ The sustainability of the federal budget deficit : market confidence and economic effects / 1
LC 14.23:R 40772/ Noncitizen health insurance coverage and use of select safety-net providers / 1
LC 14.23:R 40774/ Committee on the budget in the House of Representatives : structure and responsibilities / 1
LC 14.23:R 40779/ Deadlocked votes among members of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) : overview and potential considerations for Congress / 1
LC 14.23:R 40781/ The Housing Trust Fund : an overview / 1
LC 14.23:R 40784/ Mexico's free trade agreements / 1
LC 14.23:R 40785/ Qui tam : the False Claims Act and related federal statutes / 1
LC 14.23:R 40786/ Qui tam : an abridged look at the False Claims Act and related federal statutes / 1
LC 14.23:R 40787/ Endangered Species Act (ESA) : the exemption process / 1
LC 14.23:R 40789/ Reporting and disclosure requirements for institutions of higher education to participate in federal student aid programs under Title IV of the Higher Education Act / 1
LC 14.23:R 40791/ Employer wellness programs : health reform and the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act / 1
LC 14.23:R 40792/ Food and Drug Administration Appropriations for FY2020 / 1
LC 14.23:R 40805/ Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and related agencies (THUD) : FY2010 appropriations / 1
LC 14.23:R 40808/ The role of federal gasoline excise taxes in public policy / 1