LC 14.23:R 41119/
General Education Provisions Act (GEPA) : overview and issues / |
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LC 14.23:R 41120/
U.S. initiatives to promote global internet freedom : issues, policy, and technology / |
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LC 14.23:R 41121/
Selected privileges and courtesies extended to former members of Congress / |
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LC 14.23:R 41123/
Federal efforts to address the threat of bioterrorism : selected issues and options for Congress / |
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LC 14.23:R 41124/
Medicare : changes made by the Reconciliation Act of 2010 to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (P.L. 111-148) / |
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LC 14.23:R 41125/
Medicaid and CHIP : changes made by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (HCERA, P.L. 111-152) to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA, P.L. 111-148) / |
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LC 14.23:R 41126/
Private health insurance : changes made by H.R. 4872, the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 / |
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LC 14.23:R 41128/
Health-related revenue provisions in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) / |
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LC 14.23:R 41129/
Navy Columbia (SSBN-826) class ballistic missile submarine program : background and issues for Congress / |
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LC 14.23:R 41131/
F-35 Alternative Engine Program : background and issues for Congress / |
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LC 14.23:R 41136/
Cyprus : reunification proving elusive / |
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LC 14.23:R 41137/
Health insurance premium credits in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2014 / |
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LC 14.23:R 41138/
Federal building, courthouse, and facility security / |
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LC 14.23:R 41140/
How agencies monetize "statistical lives" expected to be saved by regulations / |
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LC 14.23:R 41142/
School construction and renovation : a review of federal programs and legislation / |
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LC 14.23:R 41146/
Small Business Administration 7(a) Loan Guaranty Program / |
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LC 14.23:R 41149/
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) : appropriations for FY2011 / |
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LC 14.23:R 41150/
Energy and water development : FY2011 appropriations / |
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LC 14.23:R 41151/
Budget reconciliation process : timing of committee responses to reconciliation directives / |
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LC 14.23:R 41152/
Indian health care : impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) / |
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