Call Number (LC) Title Results
LC 14.23:R 41488/ One-time payment in lieu of a social security COLA / 1
LC 14.23:R 41492/ Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development, and related agencies (THUD) : FY2011 appropriations / 1
LC 14.23:R 41493/ Options for a federal renewable electricity standard / 1
LC 14.23:R 41495/ U.S. government agencies involved in export promotion : overview and Issues for Congress / 1
LC 14.23:R 41503/ The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act / 1
LC 14.23:R 41505/ EPA's BACT guidance for greenhouse gases from stationary sources / 1
LC 14.23:R 41506/ The Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act (LHWCA) : overview of workers' compensation for certain private-sector maritime workers / 1
LC 14.23:R 41507/ Energy's water demand : trends, vulnerabilities, and management / 1
LC 14.23:R 41509/ Land exchanges : Bureau of Land Management (BLM) process and issues / 1
LC 14.23:R 41510/ Budget enforcement procedures : House pay-as-you-go (PAYGO) rule / 1
LC 14.23:R 41514/ Hamas : background and issues for Congress / 1
LC 14.23:R 41516/ Adopting a long-term budget focus : challenges and proposal / 1
LC 14.23:R 41517/ Water quality bills in the lame duck session of the 111th Congress / 1
LC 14.23:R 41519/ History and authority of the Joint Economic Committee / 1
LC 14.23:R 41523/ Small Business Administration and job creation / 1
LC 14.23:R 41525/ Federal prison inmates : rehabilitative needs and program participation / 1
LC 14.23:R 41526/ Navy shipboard lasers for surface, air, and missile defense : background and issues for Congress / 1
LC 14.23:R 41528/ Classified information policy and executive order 13526 / 1
LC 14.23:R 41529/ Supervision of U.S. payment, clearing, and settlement systems : designation of financial market utilities (FMUs) / 1
LC 14.23:R 41530/ Agriculture and greenhouse gases / 1