LC 14.23:R 41445/
Selected church-state issues in elementary and secondary education / |
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LC 14.23:R 41447/
Burma's 2010 election campaign : issues for Congress / |
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LC 14.23:R 41449/
Armed Career Criminal Act (18 U.S.C. สน 924(e)) : an overview / |
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LC 14.23:R 41453/
Oil spill legislation in the 111th Congress / |
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LC 14.23:R 41456/
SBA Small Business Investment Company Program / |
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LC 14.23:R 41459/
EPA's boiler MACT : controlling emissions of hazardous air pollutants / |
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LC 14.23:R 41460/
Cellulosic ethanol : feedstocks, conversion technologies, economics, and policy options / |
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LC 14.23:R 41461/
Three strike mandatory sentencing (18 U.S.C. 3559(c)) : an overview / |
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LC 14.23:R 41464/
Conventional prompt global strike and long-range ballistic missiles : background and issues / |
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LC 14.23:R 41471/
Winter fuels outlook 2010-2011 / |
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LC 14.23:R 41474/
Accountable care organizations and the Medicare Shared Savings Program / |
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LC 14.23:R 41475/
Agriculture and related agencies : FY2011 appropriations / |
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LC 14.23:R 41476/
Ownership of individual retirement accounts (IRAs) and policy options for Congress / |
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LC 14.23:R 41478/
The U.S. oil refining industry : background in changing markets and fuel policies / |
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LC 14.23:R 41479/
Social security : revisiting benefits for spouses and survivors / |
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LC 14.23:R 41481/
U.S.-South Korea relations / |
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LC 14.23:R 41482/
Dominican Republic : background and U.S. relations / |
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LC 14.23:R 41483/
Follow-on biologics : the law and intellectual property issues / |
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LC 14.23:R 41484/
Afghanistan : U.S. rule of law and justice sector assistance / |
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LC 14.23:R 41486/
Genetically engineered fish and seafood : environmental concerns / |
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