LC 14.23:R 43450/
Sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) and related non-tariff barriers to agricultural trade / |
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LC 14.23:R 43453/
The renewable electricity production tax credit : in brief / |
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LC 14.23:R 43454/
Policy issues in the General Motors vehicle recall / |
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LC 14.23:R 43455/
EPA and the Army Corps' rule to define "waters of the United States" / |
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LC 14.23:R 43456/
Risk-based approaches to airline passenger screening / |
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LC 14.23:R 43458/
Child welfare : an overview of federal programs and their current funding / |
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LC 14.23:R 43461/
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families subsidized employment and the President's FY2015 budget proposal : in brief / |
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LC 14.23:R 43463
U.S. travel and tourism : industry trends and policy issues for Congress / |
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LC 14.23:R 43464/
Federal support for streetcars : frequently asked questions / |
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LC 14.23:R 43465/
Dairy provisions in the 2014 Farm Bill (P.L. 113-79) / |
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LC 14.23:R 43466/
Child welfare : oversight of psychotropic medication for children in foster care / |
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LC 14.23:R 43467/
Federal aid to state and local governments : select issues raised by a federal government shutdown / |
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LC 14.23:R 43468/
Special minimum wages for workers with disabilities : frequently asked questions / |
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LC 14.23:R 43469/
Analysis of S. 2198 : Emergency Drought Relief Act of 2014 / |
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LC 14.23:R 43471/
Concurrent receipt of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and unemployment insurance (UI) : background and legislative proposals / |
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LC 14.23:R 43472/
The federal budget : overview and issues for FY2015 and beyond / |
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LC 14.23:R 43473/
Bolivia : in brief / |
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LC 14.23:R 43474/
Implementing the Affordable Care Act : delays, extensions, and other administrative actions taken by the Obama administration / |
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LC 14.23:R 43475/
FY2023 budget documents : Internet and GPO availability / |
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LC 14.23:R 43476/
Returning to full employment : what do the indicators tell us? / |
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