LC 14.23:R 43912/
How legislation Is brought to the house floor : a snapshot of parliamentary practice in the 113th Congress (2013-2014) / |
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LC 14.23:R 43915/
Climate change adaptation by federal agencies : an analysis of plans and issues for Congress / |
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LC 14.23:R 43918/
Overview of FY2016 appropriations for Commerce, Justice, Science, and related agencies (CJS) / |
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LC 14.23:R 43919/
Nutrients in agricultural production : a water quality overview / |
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LC 14.23:R 43922/
Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) program : an overview / |
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LC 14.23:R 43923/
The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy : issues for the 114th Congress / |
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LC 14.23:R 43924/
Freedom of Information Act legislation in the 114th Congress : issue summary and side-by-side analysis / |
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LC 14.23:R 43925/
The EMV chip card transition : background, status, and issues for Congress / |
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LC 14.23:R 43928/
Veterans' benefits : the impact of military discharges on basic eligibility / |
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LC 14.23:R 43930/
Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Program : background and funding / |
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LC 14.23:R 43931/
U.S. Circuit and District Court nominations during President Obama's first six years (2009-2014) : comparative analysis with recent presidents / |
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LC 14.23:R 43932/
Child welfare : Title IV-E proposals in the President's FY2016 budget / |
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LC 14.23:R 43933/
The federal budget : overview and issues for FY2016 and beyond / |
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LC 14.23:R 43934/
President's FY2016 budget : Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) legislative proposals / |
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LC 14.23:R 43935/
Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) : history and overview / |
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LC 14.23:R 43936/
The FCC's rules and policies regarding media ownership, attribution, and ownership diversity / |
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LC 14.23:R 43937/
Federal health centers : an overview / |
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LC 14.23:R 43938/
FY2016 agriculture and related agencies appropriations : in brief / |
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LC 14.23:R 43942/
EPA's proposed clean power plan : conversion to mass-based emission targets / |
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LC 14.23:R 43943/
The "Waters of the United States" rule : legislative options and 114th Congress responses / |
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