Call Number (LC) Title Results
LC 14.23:R 44943/ Patentable subject matter reform / 1
LC 14.23:R 44944/ Military sexual assault : A framework for congressional oversight / 1
LC 14.23:R 44945/ Federal employees : human resources management flexibilities in emergency situations / 1
LC 14.23:R 44946/ State Department special envoy, representative, and coordinator positions : background and congressional actions / 1
LC 14.23:R 44947/ The Alien Tort Statute : a primer / 1
LC 14.23:R 44948/ Social security disability insurance (SSDI) and supplemental security income (SSI) : eligibility, benefits, and financing / 1
LC 14.23:R 44949/ Supreme Court October term 2016 : a review of selected major rulings / 1
LC 14.23:R 44950/ Redeploying U.S. nuclear weapons to South Korea : background and implications in brief / 1
LC 14.23:R 44951/ Regulatory exclusivity reform in the 115th Congress / 1
LC 14.23:R 44952/ EPA's role in emergency planning and notification at chemical facilities / 1
LC 14.23:R 44953/ The State Department's Trafficking in Persons Report : scope, aid restrictions, and methodology / 1
LC 14.23:R 44954/ Chevron deference : a primer / 1
LC 14.23:R 44955/ Serbia : background and U.S. relations / 1
LC 14.23:R 44957/ Due process limits on the jurisdiction of courts : issues for Congress / 1
LC 14.23:R 44958/ Insurance regulation : legislation in the 115th Congress / 1
LC 14.23:R 44959/ Confederate symbols : relation to federal lands and programs / 1
LC 14.23:R 44961/ FDA Reauthorization Act of 2017 (FDARA, P.L. 115-52) / 1
LC 14.23:R 44962/ Patent law : a primer and overview of emerging issues / 1
LC 14.23:R 44963/ Wastewater infrastructure : overview, funding, and legislative developments / 1
LC 14.23:R 44965/ Privatization and the constitution : selected legal issues / 1