Call Number (LC) Title Results
LC 14.23:RS 21349/ U.S. immigration policy on Haitian migrants / 1
LC 14.23:RS 21353/ New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) / 1
LC 14.23:RS 21356/ Taxation of unemployment benefits / 1
LC 14.23:RS 21364/ Supervised release (parole) : an abbreviated outline of federal law / 1
LC 14.23:RS 21372/ The European Union : questions and answers / 1
LC 14.23:RS 21383/ Ricin : technical background and potential role in terrorism / 1
LC 14.23:RS 21388/ House rules changes affecting floor proceedings in the 108th Congress / 1
LC 14.23:RS 21396/ Iraq : map sources / 1
LC 14.23:RS 21405/ U.S. periods of war and dates of recent conflicts / 1
LC 14.23:RS 21407/ Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's standard market design activities / 1
LC 14.23:RS 21409/ The budget deficit and the trade deficit : what is their relationship? / 1
LC 14.23:RS 21412/ Temporarily filling presidentially appointed, Senate-confirmed positions / 1
LC 14.23:RS 21416/ The President's Management Agenda : a brief introduction / 1
LC 14.23:RS 21421/ Mountaintop removal mining : background on recent controversies / 1
LC 14.23:RS 21427/ Financial privacy laws affecting sharing of customer information among affiliated institutions / 1
LC 14.23:RS 21431/ House Select Committee on Homeland Security : a fact sheet / 1
LC 14.23:RS 21434/ Victims' rights amendment : a sketch of a proposal in the 108th Congress to amend the United States Constitution / 1
LC 14.23:RS 21438/ Immigration legislation enacted in the 107th Congress / 1
LC 14.23:RS 21444/ The Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002 : a summary of provisions / 1
LC 14.23:RS 21454/ Iraq : potential post-war foreign aid issues / 1