LC 14.24:IF 10465/
China's efforts to address ongoing food safety concerns / |
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LC 14.24:IF 10466/
Eritrea / |
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LC 14.24:IF 10468/
Sea-level rise and U.S. coasts / |
1 |
LC 14.24:IF 10470/
The Director of National Intelligence (DNI) / |
1 |
LC 14.24:IF 10471/
WRDA Legislation in the 114th Congress : Clean Water Act and infrastructure financing provisions in S. 2848 and WIIN / |
1 |
LC 14.24:IF 10472/
North Korea's nuclear weapons and missile programs / |
1 |
LC 14.24:IF 10473/
Digital health information and the threat of cyberattack / |
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LC 14.24:IF 10474/
WRDA 2016 : infrastructure, lead, and other Safe Drinking Water Act provisions in H.R. 5303 and S. 2848 / |
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LC 14.24:IF 10475/
Global Food Security Act of 2016 (P.L. 114-195) / |
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LC 14.24:IF 10476/
TPP : investment provisions / |
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LC 14.24:IF 10477/
Introduction to U.S. economy : inflation / |
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LC 14.24:IF 10478/
Miscellaneous Tariff Bills (MTBs) / |
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LC 14.24:IF 10479/
The Energy Credit or Energy Investment Tax Credit (ITC) / |
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LC 14.24:IF 10480/
The North American Development Bank / |
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LC 14.24:IF 10481/
Railroad Retirement Board : retirement, survivor, disability, unemployment, and sickness benefits / |
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LC 14.24:IF 10482/
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) / |
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LC 14.24:IF 10483/
Defense primer : military retirement / |
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LC 14.24:IF 10484/
Defense primer: Department of the Navy / |
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LC 14.24:IF 10485/
Defense primer : geography, strategy, and U.S. Force design / |
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LC 14.24:IF 10486/
Defense primer : naval forces / |
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