LC 14.24:IF 11138/
Russia's Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline to Germany halted / |
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LC 14.24:IF 11139/
Evaluating DOD strategy : key findings of the National Defense Strategy Commission / |
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LC 14.24:IF 11140/
Federal regional commissions and authorities : overview of structure and activities / |
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LC 14.24:IF 11141/
Employer tax credit for paid family and medical leave / |
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LC 14.24:IF 11142/
Title X Family Planning Program : 2019 final rule / |
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LC 14.24:IF 11143/
A low-yield, submarine-launched nuclear warhead : overview of the expert debate / |
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LC 14.24:IF 11144/
H.R. 397 (116th Congress), the Rehabilitation for Multiemployer Pensions Act / |
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LC 14.24:IF 11145/
Delegation of Federal Aviation Administration certification authorities to aviation manufacturers / |
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LC 14.24:IF 11146/
Global trends : malaria / |
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LC 14.24:IF 11147/
Defense primer : active component enlisted recruiting / |
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LC 14.24:IF 11148/
The Asia Reassurance Initiative Act (ARIA) of 2018 / |
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LC 14.24:IF 11149/
Dairy provisions in USMCA / |
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LC 14.24:IF 11150/
Defense primer : U.S. policy on lethal autonomous weapon systems / |
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LC 14.24:IF 11151/
Central American migration : root causes and U.S. Policy / |
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LC 14.24:IF 11152/
Federal support for runaway and homeless youth / |
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LC 14.24:IF 11153/
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) appropriations : FY2020 President's budget request / |
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LC 14.24:IF 11154/
Export controls: key challenges / |
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LC 14.24:IF 11155/
Defense primer : military use of the electromagnetic spectrum / |
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LC 14.24:IF 11156/
Projected economic impacts of climate change / |
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LC 14.24:IF 11157/
Firearms eligibility : stalking- and domestic violence-related provisions in H.R. 1585 / |
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