Call Number (LC) Title Results
LC 38.2:R 92 Glossary of Russian abbreviations and acronyms. 1
LC 38.2:SO 8/2/963 Soviet Russian scientific and technical terms : a selective list. 1
LC 38.9:61-21 List of Communist Chinese scientific and technical periodicals. 1
LC 38.9:67-9 High-parameter gas- and thermodynamics / 1
LC 39.10: Folklife Center news. 2
LC 39.11:1 Ethnic recordings in America : a neglected heritage. 1
LC39.11:1 Studies in American folklife. 1
LC 39.11:3/v.- The Federal cylinder project : a guide to field cylinder collections in federal agencies. 1
LC 39.11:4 Ethnic heritage and language schools in America / 1
LC 39.11:10 Cultural conservation : the protection of cultural heritage in the United States : a study / 1
LC 39.12: American folk music and folklore recordings : a selected list. 1
LC 39.13: LC Folk Archive reference aid / 1
LC 39.13/2:4 South Carolina field recordings in the Archive of Folk Culture / 1
LC 39.13/2:5 South Asian recordings in the Archive of Folk Culture / 1
LC 39.13/2:6 Radio-related field recordings and broadcasts involving archive of folk culture collections, personnel, and radio projects : recordings in the Archive of Folk Culture through 1986 / 1
LC 39.13/2:7 Mexico recordings in the Archive of Folk Culture / 1
LC 39.13/2:8 Brazil recordings in the Archive of Folk Culture / 1
LC 39.13/2:9 The Gordon collections : manuscript and recorded collections acquired and/or indexed by Robert Winslow Gordon in the Archive of Folk Culture / 1
LC 39.13/2:10 Kentucky recordings in the Archive of Folk Culture / 1
LC 39.13/2:11 Zora Neale Hurston : recordings, manuscripts, and ephemera in the Archive of Folk Culture and other divisions of the Library of Congress / 1