Call Number (LC) Title Results
LC1037.C75 2005eb Critical Reflections on Career Education and Guidance : Promoting Social Justice. 1
LC1037 .C85 2013 Cultural and social diversity and the transition from education to work 1
LC1037 .C875 2013 Career counseling in P-12 schools / 1
LC1037 .E266 2016 Economic Competence and Financial Literacy of Young Adults Status and Challenges. 1
LC1037 -- H37 1999eb Careers Education : Contesting Policy and Practice. 1
LC1037 .H97 2005 Liberalizing vocational study : democratic approaches to career education / 2
LC1037 .I58 2017 Interactional competences in institutional settings : from school to the workplace / 1
LC1037 .I58 2020 International perspectives on research in educational and career guidance / 1
LC1037 .K58 2013eb Connecting the dots between education, interests, and careers, grades 7-10 : a guide for school practitioners / 2
LC1037 .K738 2021 Making It What Today's Kids Need for Tomorrow's World. 1
LC1037 .L38 2017 Comparative Thematic Analysis Evaluating the Placement Experiences of Health-Care Students in the United Kingdom / 1
LC1037 .L43 2007eb Choosing to labour? : school-work transitions and social class /
Choosing to labour? school-work transitions and social class /
LC1037 .M45 2020 Talkabout transitions : from education to employment / 1
LC1037 .P37 2006eb Focus on the future : a career development curriculum for secondary school students / 1
LC1037 .P42 2006eb Exploring future options : a career development curriculum for middle school students / 1
LC1037 .R44 Relating work and education / 2
LC1037 .S32 2006 How computer games help children learn / 2
LC1037 .S32 2007eb How computer games help children learn / 2
LC1037 .S44 2020 Young people's transitions into creative work : navigating challenges and opportunities / 2
LC1037 .T97 2020 Teaching and learning employability skills in career and technical education : industry, educator, and student perspectives / 1