Call Number (LC) Title Results
LC1091 .W39 2015 What kind of citizen? : educating our children for the common good / 1
LC1091 .Y68 2017eb Youth civic engagement in a globalized world : citizenship education in comparative perspective / 1
LC1091 eBook Difusión de derechos y ciudadanía en la escuela / 1
LC1091 ebook La ciudad educadora como forma de fortalecimiento de la democracia y de una ciudadanía activa y convivencial /
Trabajo y ciudadanía /
La implantación de educación para la ciudadanía en el sistema educativo español /
La educación cívica en España : y en perspectiva internacional /
Educación para la ciudadanía : un enfoque basado en el desarrollo de competencias transversales /
El declive de la ciudadanía : la constitución de una ética pública /
LC1095 Transnational education between the League of Nations and China : the interwar period /
The management of transnational higher education /
Importing transnational education capacity, sustainability and student experience from the host country perspective /
Exporting transnational education : institutional practice, policy and national goals /
The Floating University Experience, Empire, and the Politics of Knowledge.
Learning across borders : perspectives on international and transnational higher education.
Higher Education in the Asian Century : the European legacy and the future of Transnational Education in the ASEAN region /
Academic mobility through the lens of language and identity, global pandemics, and distance internationalization : multidisciplinary perspectives /
Perspectives in transnational higher education /
East and Southeast Asian perspectives on the internationalisation of higher education : policies, practices and prospects /
The 11th International Conference on EUropean Transnational Educational (ICEUTE 2020)
The evolution of transnational education : pathways, globalisation and emerging trends /
Enhancing quality in transnational higher education : experiences of teaching and learning in Australian offshore programs /
International students in transnational spaces : Chinese youth's aspirations, learning and becoming /
Western higher education in Asia and the Middle East : politics, economics, and pedagogy /
Engaging in transnational education /
LC1095 .A53 2011 Analysing the consequences of academic mobility and migration / 1
LC1095 .A78 2017 Reflexivity : personal, professional, and researcher stances / 1
LC1095 .A88 2010eb Attracting international students for higher education / 1
LC1095 B55 2014 International student mobility and transnational friendships / 1
LC1095 .C67 2010eb Cross-border partnerships in higher education : strategies and issues / 1
LC1095 .C76 2011 Cross-border partnerships in higher education : strategies and issues / 1
LC1095 .D57 2015eb Classroom interaction : the internationalised anglophone university / 1
LC1095 .I575 2011eb International students and global mobility in higher education : national trends and new directions /
International students and global mobility in higher education national trends and new directions /
LC1095 .I58 2009 Internationalising the university the Chinese context / 1
LC1095 .I63 2014eb Internationalization of higher education in East Asia : trends of student mobility and impact on education governance / 1
LC1095 .M33 2007 Transnational education : issues and trends in offshore higher education / 1
LC1095 .M33 2007eb Transnational education issues and trends in offshore higher education / 1
LC1095 .M87 2019 The art of effective research : a study utilizing multiple regression analysis (Hayes process macros for SPSS) / 1
LC1095 .O67 2010 Cross-border teaching and the globalization of higher education : problems of funding, curriculum quality, and international accreditation / 1
LC1095 .P53 2016 Transnational education crossing 'Asia' and 'the West' : adjusted desire, transformative mediocrity, neo-colonial disguise / 2