Call Number (LC) Title Results
LC1099.4.N48 T72 Transformations. 1
LC1099.4.N7 B33 2001 Learning interdependence : a case study of the international/intercultural education of first-year college students / 1
LC1099.4.N7 J64 1993 Dealing with diversity through multicultural fiction : library-classroom partnerships / 2
LC1099.4.V6 S54 2020 A single garment : creating intentionally diverse schools that benefit all children / 1
LC1099.5 The struggle for a multilingual future : youth and education in Sri Lanka /
Advancing race and ethnicity in education /
LC1099.5.A35 Multiculturalism in the age of the mosaic : essays in honor of Rudolph G. Wilson / 1
LC1099.5.A35 C66 2018 Continuous professional teacher development in Sub-Saharan Africa improving teaching and learning / 1
LC1099.5.A8 C53 2012eb Curriculum and culture : schooling in a pluralist society / 1
LC1099.5.A8 E35 1994 One classroom, many cultures : teaching strategies for culturally different children / 1
LC1099.5.A8 H37 2012 Young people and everyday multiculturalism / 1
LC1099.5.A8 H37 2012eb Young people and everyday multiculturalism / 2
LC1099.5.B4 I58 1991 Integrité, intégration : innovation pédagogique et pluralité culturelle / 1
LC1099.5.C2 La diversité ethnoculturelle dans le contexte scolaire québécois. : Pratiquer le vivre-ensemble. 1
LC1099.5.C2 C36 1987 Multicultural and intercultural education : building Canada : proceedings of the November 1987 CCMIE National Conference, Edmonton, Alberta / 1
LC1099.5.C2 G46 2004 Education and the politics of difference : Canadian perspectives / 2
LC1099.5.C2 M854 2007  
LC1099.5.C2.M854 2007eb Multicultural Education Policies in Canada and the United States. 1
LC1099.5.C2 P55 2002 Narrative inquiry in a multicultural landscape : multicultural teaching and learning / 1
LC1099.5.C2 P55 2002eb Narrative inquiry in a multicultural landscape : multicultural teaching and learning / 1
LC1099.5.C2 P65 2020 Digital storytelling in Indigenous education : a decolonizing journey for a Métis community / 1