Call Number (LC) Title Results
LC191.4 .A33 2007 Addressing social issues in the classroom and beyond : the pedagogical efforts of pioneers in the field / 1
LC191.4 .A65 1995 Education and power / 1
LC191.4 .A65 1995eb Education and power / 1
LC191.4 .A65 2012eb Education and power / 1
LC191.4 .A66 1990 Ideology and curriculum / 1
LC191.4 .A66 2019 Ideology and curriculum / 1
LC191.4 .A67 1986 Teachers and texts : a political economy of class and gender relations in education / 2
LC191.4 .A67 2013 Teachers and Texts : a Political Economy of Class and Gender Relations in Education. 1
LC191.4 .A758 2008 Against schooling toward an education that matters / 1
LC191.4 .A76 1987eb Education under siege : the conservative, liberal and radical debate over schooling / 2
LC191.4 .A76 2001 The last good job in America : work and education in the new global technoculture / 2
LC191.4 .A76 2013 The ecology of college readiness 1
LC191.4 .A763 2012 Art and Social Justice Education : Culture as Commons.
Art and social justice education : culture as commons /
LC191.4 .A763 2012eb Art And Social Justice Education : Culture As Commons / 1
LC191.4 .A77 2008 Assessment, equity, and opportunity to learn / 1
LC191.4 .A77 2008eb Assessment, equity, and opportunity to learn / 1
LC191.4 .B49 1993 Beyond reading, writing, and arithmetic : a retrospective look at how schools have responded to changing societal needs / 1
LC191.4 .B55 2022eb Black lives matter in US schools : race, education, and resistance / 2
LC191.4 .B56 1997 I'm only bleeding : education as the practice of social violence against children / 1
LC191.4 .B65 1990 Universities and the future of America / 1