Call Number (LC) Title Results
LC197 .K65 2012 Feminisms and educational research / 2
LC197 .L39 2017eb (Post)critical methodologies : the science possible after the critiques : the selected works of Patti Lather / 1
LC197 .L48 1993 Without a word : teaching beyond women's silence / 1
LC197 .M33 2016eb Teaching and learning like a feminist : storying our experiences in higher education / 1
LC197 .M35 1994 The feminist classroom / 2
LC197 .M35 2001 The feminist classroom : dynamics of gender, race, and privilege / 1
LC197 .M37 2000 Coming of age in academe : rekindling women's hopes and reforming the academy / 1
LC197 .M37 2000eb Coming of age in academe : rekindling women's hopes and reforming the academy / 1
LC197 .M374 2017eb Feminist pedagogy, practice, and activism : improving lives for girls and women / 2
LC197 .M44 Meeting the Challenge : Innovative Feminist Pedagogies in Action. 1
LC197 .M44 1999 Meeting the challenge : innovative feminist pedagogies in action / 1
LC197 .M44 1999eb Meeting the challenge : innovative feminist pedagogies in action / 1
LC197 .M47 2002 Disciplining feminism from social activism to academic discourse /
Disciplining feminism : from social activism to academic discourse /
LC197 .M53 1993 Educating feminists : life histories and pedagogy / 1
LC197 .M54 2019 Liberation in higher education : a white researcher's journey through the shadows / 1
LC197 .M67 1999 Organising feminisms : the micropolitics of the academy / 1
LC197 .O73 1996 Women teachers and feminist politics, 1900-39 / 1
LC197 .P34 1998 Educating the other : gender, power, and schooling / 1
LC197 .P37 2008 What price utopia? : essays on ideological policing, feminism, and academic affairs / 1
LC197 .R43 2012 Reconsidering knowledge : feminism and the academy / 1