Call Number (LC) Title Results
LC212.523.R53 P48 1987  
LC212.523.S97 U54 1968i Process of change the story of school desegregation in Syracuse, New York. 1
LC212.523 .U5 1965 Report on racial imbalance in the Boston public schools / 1
LC212.523.W3 U543 2010i Public education in the District of Columbia the need to ensure equal access to a high-quality education for all children / 1
LC212.53.C5 School segregation and social cohesion in Santiago : perspectives from the Chilean experience / 1
LC212.53.G7 H37 2020 Ethnic segregation between schools : is it increasing or decreasing in England? / 2
LC212.53.G7 M53 2015 Muslims, schooling and the question of self-segregation / 1
LC212.53.G72 N675 1985 Worlds apart : segregated schools in Northern Ireland / 1
LC212.53.S4732 K675 2005eb Kosovo the politics of identity and space / 1
LC212.62 .D38 1994 Changing childhood prejudice : the caring work of the schools / 1
LC212.62 .K69 2005 The shame of the nation : the restoration of apartheid schooling in America / 1
LC212.62 .M57 1997 Resisting discrimination : affirmative strategies for principals and teachers / 2
LC212.62 .O72 1996 Dismantling desegregation : the quiet reversal of Brown v. Board of Education / 4
LC212.62 .T38 2007 Can we talk about race? : and other conversations in an era of school resegregation / 1
LC212.62 .T38 2007eb Can we talk about race? : and other conversations in an era of school resegregation / 1
LC212.622 .S35 2005 School resegregation : must the South turn back? / 1
LC212.622 .S35 2005eb School resegregation : must the South turn back? / 1
LC212.622.S68 S35 2005i School resegregation must the South turn back? / 1
LC212.623.M45 P64 2008 Opportunity lost : race and poverty in the Memphis City schools / 1