Call Number (LC) Title Results
LC213.3.D44 B57 2005eb Towards universal primary education : investments, incentives, and institutions / 2
LC213.3.D44 E33 2006eb Educating all children : a global agenda / 2
LC213.3.D44 E38 2006 Educating all children : a global agenda / 1
LC213.3.E85 P75 1990 The Primary schools and equal opportunities : international perspectives on gender issues / 1
LC213.3.E85 S36 2007 Schools and the equal opportunity problem / 1
LC213.3.E85 S36 2007eb Schools and the equal opportunity problem /
Schools and the equal opportunity problem
LC213.3.E85 S78 2014eb Student voices on inequalities in European higher education : challenges for theory, policy and practice in a time of change / 1
LC213.3.E86 Access to education in Europe : a framework and agenda for system change / 1
LC213.3.G3 Changes in Inequality of Educational Opportunity : the Long-Term Development in Germany /
Bildungsungleichheiten in Deutschland : über ungleiche Bildungschancen zwischen einzelnen sozialen Schichten sowie von Schülerinnen und Schülern mit Migrationshintergrund /
LC213.3.G3 N37 2020eb Unequal neighbourhoods, unequal schools : organisational habitus in deprived and privileged local contexts / 1
LC213.3.G7 Education, equality and human rights issues of gender, 'race', sexuality /
Sustaining the comprehensive ideal : the Robert Clack School /
Reconsidering Inclusion.
LC213.3.G7 D48 2012 Developing equitable education systems /
Developing Equitable Education Systems.
LC213.3.G7 D48 2012eb Developing equitable education systems 1
LC213.3.G7 E334 2012 Education, equality and human rights : issues of gender, 'race', sexuality, disability and social class / 1
LC213.3.G7 E334 2018 Education, equality and human rights : issues of gender, 'race', sexuality, disability and social class / 1
LC213.3.G7 E45 2017eb Reconsidering inclusion : sustaining and building inclusion practices in schools / 1
LC213.3.G7 E68 2018eb Equality issues for the new millennium / 2
LC213.3.G7 E79 2009eb Equality in the secondary school : promoting good practice across the curriculum / 1
LC213.3.G7 F67 1996 Constructing educational inequality : an assessment of research on school processes / 1
LC213.3.G7 F67 1996eb Constructing educational inequality : an assessment of research on school processes / 1