Call Number (LC) Title Results
LC2669 .B76 1988 The Broken web : the educational experience of Hispanic American women /
The broken web : the educational experience of Hispanic American women /
LC2669 .C42 2000 Charting new terrains of Chicana(o)/Latina(o) education /
Charting terrains of Chicana(o)/Latina(o) education /
LC2669 .C73 2016 Cracks in the schoolyard : confronting Latino educational inequality / 1
LC2669 .C74 2004 Creating alternative discourses in the education of Latinos and Latinas : a reader / 1
LC2669 .C75 2019eb Critical readings on Latinos and education : tasks, themes, and solutions / 1
LC2669 .D57 2012 Discovering and Developing Talents in Spanish-Speaking Students. 1
LC2669 .E37 2002 Educating Latino students : a guide to successful practice / 1
LC2669 .E39 2002 Education in the new Latino diaspora : policy and the politics of identity / 1
LC2669 .E39 2002eb Education in the New Latino Diaspora. 1
LC2669 .E396 2012eb The education of the Hispanic population, selected essays / 1
LC2669 .E44 2000 Effective Programs for Latino Students. 1
LC2669 .E44 2000eb Effective programs for Latino students 1
LC2669 .E44 2001 Effective programs for Latino students / 1
LC2669 .E53 2022 Encyclopedia of critical understandings of Latinx and global education / 1
LC2669 .G35 2017 Postcolonial indigenous performances : Coyote musings on Genízaros, hybridity, education, and slavery / 1
LC2669 .G36 2009 The Latino education crisis : the consequences of failed social policies / 1
LC2669.G36 2010 The Latino Education Crisis / 1
LC2669 .G37 2001 Hispanic education in the United States : raíces y alas / 3
LC2669 .H36 2010 Handbook of Latinos and education : theory, research and practice / 1
LC2669 .H36 2010eb Handbook of Latinos and education : theory, research and practice / 1