Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
LC2804.2.O6 S66 1992 | Black resistance in high school : forging a separatist culture / | 2 |
LC2804.2.O6 S66 1992eb | Black resistance in high school : forging a separatist culture / | 1 |
LC2804.3.T67 O23 2019 | Youth and elders in solidarity : an Afrocentric dialogic approach to research / | 1 |
LC2805.B6 R33 2015eb | Race, politics, and education in Brazil : affirmation action in higher education / | 2 |
LC2805.C7 | Curriculo intercultural afrocolombiano : una apuesta pedagogica desde el dialogo de saberes | 1 |
LC2805.W47 | Following the northern star : Caribbean identities and education in North American schools / | 1 |
LC2806.G7 |
Global Black narratives for the classroom : practical lesson plans, worksheets and activities for ages 7-11 / Global Black narratives for the classroom. practical lesson plans, worksheets and activities for ages 7-11 / Young British African and Caribbean men achieving educational success : disrupting deficit discourses about black male achievement / |
3 |
LC2806.G7 B94 2008 | Black boys can make it : how they overcome the obstacles to university in the UK and USA / | 1 |
LC2806.G7 C34 1997 | Education for empowerment : the practice and philosophies of Black teachers / | 1 |
LC2806.G7 E39 2001 | Educating our Black children : new directions and radical approaches / | 1 |
LC2806.G7 E39 2001eb | Educating our black children new directions and radical approaches / | 1 |
LC2806.G7 F73 1996 | Black students and higher education / | 1 |
LC2806.G7 M33 1988 | Young, gifted, and Black : student-teacher relations in schooling of Black youth / | 1 |
LC2806.G7 R53 2007 | Eagles who soar : how Black learners find the path to success / | 1 |
LC2806.G7 S48 1997 | Black masculinities and schooling : how Black boys survive modern schooling / | 1 |
LC2806.G7 S49 2009 | Generating Genius : black boys in search of love, ritual and schooling / | 1 |
LC2807.C6 W36 2013eb | Language, culture, and identity among minority students in China the case of the Hui / | 1 |
LC2807.C6 W364 2013 | Language, Culture, and Identity Among Minority Students in China. | 1 |
LC2808.A2 E53 2018 | Education law, strategic policy, and sustainable development in Africa : Agenda 2063 / | 1 |
LC2808.A2 E53 2018eb | Education law, strategic policy, and sustainable development in Africa : Agenda 2063 / | 1 |