Call Number (LC) Title Results
LC71 .L48 2001eb Reforming education : from origins to outcomes / 1
LC71 .L49 2020eb PISA, policy and the OECD : respatialising global educational governance through PISA for schools / 1
LC71 .L56 2013eb Politics, policies and pedagogies in education : the selected works of Bob Lingard / 1
LC71 .L83 2022 The Rise of External Actors in Education : Shifting Boundaries Globally and Locally. 1
LC71 .L84 2019 Educational Policy, Narrative and Discourse. 1
LC71 .L87 2021 Great mistakes in education policy : and how to avoid them in the future / 1
LC71 .M25 2017 Freedom to learn : the threat to student academic freedom and why it needs to be reclaimed / 1
LC71 .M26 The politics of education : a study of the political administration of the public schools. 1
LC71 .M28 2012eb How schools do policy : policy enactments in secondary schools / 1
LC71 .M314 2017eb Bringing down the educational wall : political regimes, ideology and the expansion of education / 1
LC71.M315 2003 Educational Regimes and Anglo-American Democracy. 2
LC71 .M317 2015 Mapping corporate education reform : power and policy networks in the neoliberal state / 2
LC71 .M326 2003 Educational regimes and Anglo-American democracy / 1
LC71 .M337 2012eb Mass education and the limits of state building, c. 1870-1930 1
LC71 .M34 Education and the political system / 1
LC71 .M58 1996 Tidal waves of school reform : types of reforms, government controls, and community advocates / 1
LC71 .M67 2002 Moral and political education / 2
LC71 .M674 2023 Developing Scholars Race, Politics, and the Pursuit of Higher Education. 1
LC71 .N38 2023 National literacies in education : historical reflections on the nexus of nations, national identity, and education / 1
LC71 .N43 2018 Information, incentives, and education policy / 1