Call Number (LC) Title Results
LC94.I75 Beyond the dead-end alley of mass education.
Education in East Jerusalem : occupation, political power and struggle /
LC94.I75 A34 1994 Beyond the dead-end alley of mass education / 1
LC94.I75 G4 1996 Politics and policy-making in Israel's education system / 1
LC94.I75 K35 2004 Ideology, policy, and practice : education for immigrants and minorities in Israel today / 1
LC94.I75 K35 2004eb Ideology, policy, and practice : education for immigrants and minorities in Israel today / 1
LC94.I75 S95 1999eb Politics and education in Israel 1
LC94.I75S95 1999eb Politics and Education in Israel : Comparisons with the United States. 1
LC94.J3 G56 2018 Globalization and Japanese "exceptionalism" in education : insider's views into a changing system / 1
LC94.J3 G56 2020 The global education effect and Japan : constructing new borders and identification practices / 1
LC94.J3 H6 1988 Educational thought and ideology in modern Japan : state authority and intellectual freedom / 2
LC94.J3 J36 1988 Public policy and private education in Japan / 1
LC94.J3 K96 2003 Kyōkasho kara kieta meisaku / 1
LC94.J3 K9613 2023 Kyôiku to aikoku = Education and nationalism / 1
LC94.J3 L56 2009 Imperial subjects as global citizens : nationalism, internationalism, and education in Japan / 1
LC94.J3 N34 2018 Teikokukasuru Nihon : Meiji no kyōiku sukyandaru / 1
LC94.J3 P53 2004 Burning and building : schooling and state formation in Japan, 1750-1890 / 1
LC94.J3 T88 2017 Monbushō no kenkyū : "risō no Nihonjinzō" o motometa 150-nen / 1
LC94.J3 Y35 1997 Sensō to kyōiku : yottsu no sengo to mittsu no senzen / 1
LC94.K6 Education in South Korea : reflections on a seventy-year journey / 1
LC94.K6 A544 2018 Chisok kanŭng kaebal mokp'yo (SDGs) talsŏng ŭl wihan kyoyuk kaebal hyŏmnyŏk yŏn'gu. 1