Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
LF107 .S63 | Species non conseruantur in cerebro. ; Nemo nascitur fascinator. | 1 |
LF107 .S64 |
Solâ imputatione obedientiae Christi peccatores iustificantur ad salutem. ; Fidelis ex fide certus esse remissionis suorum peccatorum & potest & debet. Spiritus sunt vincula anima & corporis. ; Corpus est in anima. |
2 |
LF107 .S65 | Somniantibus non est adhibenda fides. ; Intellectus non est verus priusquam iudicat. | 1 |
LF107 .S86 | Stomachus est sedes flatus hypochondriaci. | 1 |
LF107 .T67 | Torrida zona est habitabilis. ; In calidis locis sunt vivaciores. | 1 |
LF107 .U26 | Vbi insanit poetica sapit philosophia. ; Natura in minimis est maxima. | 1 |
LF107 .U96 | Vxor si diverterit à viro legatum amittit. 1. vxori ff. de aur. & arg. leg. ; Interpretatione legum poenae molliendae sunt potius exasperandae. 1. Interpretatione ff. de poenis. | 1 |
LF107 .V47 | Verum & bonum nec vsquam nec vnquam sibijpsis [sic] dissonant. | 1 |
LF107 .V57 |
Vir prudens nemo nisi literatus. ; Anima separata à corpore omnes retinet facultates, &c sensus, & intellectus. Vitia corporis redundant in animam. ; Animae humanae ab origine non aequè perfectae. |
2 |
LF107 .V64 | Voluntas non c[ompelli scit?]. ; Homo est [mikrokosmos] | 1 |
LF107 .V84 | Vultus indicat virum. ; Influentia coelestis non imponit necessitatem. | 1 |
LF108 .A3 1852 | Documents relating to the University and colleges of Cambridge. | 1 |
LF108 .A3 2009 | Documents relating to the University and Colleges of Cambridge. | 1 |
LF108 .C6 | Fasciculus Ioanni Willis Clark dicatus. | 1 |
LF108 .G73 2009 | Grace Book A : Containing the Proctors' Accounts and Other Records of the University of Cambridge for the Years 1454-1488 / | 1 |
LF108 .L8 v.2-3 | Grace book B ... / | 1 |
LF108 .L83 | Grace book [Greek letter delta] : containing the records of the University of Cambridge for the years 1542-1589 / | 1 |
LF108 .U55 1681 | Orders to be observ'd by all students in the University at the approach and during the continuance of their Majesties here, upon the utmost penalty of the statutes to be inflicted upon the transgressors, as the disobedience and insolence of the offenders shall merit. | 1 |
LF108 .U55 2009 |
Grace book B : containing the proctors' accounts and other records of the University of Cambridge for the years 1488-1511. Grace book B : containing the accounts of the proctors of the University of Cambridge, 1511-1544 / |
2 |
LF109 .C36 | Cantebrigia. Ioannes Lydgatus Galfredi Chauceri discipulus, refert, Bedam & Alfredam constanter affirmare, tempore Guauntij regis Britonum ...Cantebrum Ducem ... Haec ex libro Ioannis Caii, De antiquitate Cantebrigiae. Sequitur testimonium ipsius Ioannis Lydgati, sicut ab ipso suit conscriptum. | 1 |