Call Number (LC) Title Results
LF109 .C36 1994 Cambridge minds / 1
LF109 .C36 1994eb Cambridge minds / 1
LF109.C73 W5 Ackermann's Cambridge. : With 20 coloured plates from A history of the University of Cambridge, its colleges, halls and public building, 1815. 1
LF109 .D9 History of the University and colleges of Cambridge : including notices relating to the founders and eminent men. / 1
LF109 .D92 The privileges of the University of Cambridge : together with additional observations on its history, antiquities, literature, and biography / 1
LF109 .E93 2010 The University of Cambridge : a new history / 2
LF109 .G46 Genethliacon academiae Cantabrigiensis siue, de fundatoribus collegiorum in eadem per annos trecentos, panegyricum. Ad honoratissum virum dominum Gualterum Mildmaium, militem, regneae maiestati a consiliis, fisci regii dignissimum cancellarium. Et, cum pietatis laude insignem, tum literarum amantissimum, ipsum etiam literatum, patronum. 1586. 1
LF109 .H57 1997 A history of the University of Cambridge. 1
LF109 .H57 1997eb A history of the University of Cambridge. 1
LF109 (INTERNET) Two speeches spoken by Sir Simonds D'Ewes the first touching the Antiquity of Cambridge lately published by Iohn Thomas, with many ignorant and foolish mistakes which are here rectified : the other concerning the priviledge of Parliament in causes civill and criminall. 1
LF109 .L57 1973 The colleges of Cambridge, 1286-1973 / 1
LF109 .L57 1973a The colleges of Cambridge, 1286-1973 / 1
LF109 .M8 A history of the University of Cambridge / 1
LF109 .M82 The University of Cambridge ... / 1
LF109 .M821 2009 The University of Cambridge. 1
LF109 .M822 2009 The University of Cambridge, from the Royal Injunctions of 1535 to the Accession of Charles the First / 1
LF109 .M823 2009 The University of Cambridge. 1
LF109 .S36 The foundation of the Vniversitie of Cambridge with a catalogue of the principall founders and speciall benefactors of all the colledges and the totall number of students, magistrates and officers therein being, anno 1622 / 1
LF109 .V46 2009 Early collegiate life / 1
LF109 .W9 1841 Le Keux's Memorials of Cambridge : a series of views of the colleges, halls, and public buildings / 1