LF109 .C36 1994
Cambridge minds / |
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LF109 .C36 1994eb
Cambridge minds / |
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LF109.C73 W5
Ackermann's Cambridge. : With 20 coloured plates from A history of the University of Cambridge, its colleges, halls and public building, 1815. |
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LF109 .D9
History of the University and colleges of Cambridge : including notices relating to the founders and eminent men. / |
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LF109 .D92
The privileges of the University of Cambridge : together with additional observations on its history, antiquities, literature, and biography / |
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LF109 .E93 2010
The University of Cambridge : a new history / |
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LF109 .G46
Genethliacon academiae Cantabrigiensis siue, de fundatoribus collegiorum in eadem per annos trecentos, panegyricum. Ad honoratissum virum dominum Gualterum Mildmaium, militem, regneae maiestati a consiliis, fisci regii dignissimum cancellarium. Et, cum pietatis laude insignem, tum literarum amantissimum, ipsum etiam literatum, patronum. 1586. |
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LF109 .H57 1997
A history of the University of Cambridge. |
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LF109 .H57 1997eb
A history of the University of Cambridge. |
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Two speeches spoken by Sir Simonds D'Ewes the first touching the Antiquity of Cambridge lately published by Iohn Thomas, with many ignorant and foolish mistakes which are here rectified : the other concerning the priviledge of Parliament in causes civill and criminall. |
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LF109 .L57 1973
The colleges of Cambridge, 1286-1973 / |
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LF109 .L57 1973a
The colleges of Cambridge, 1286-1973 / |
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LF109 .M8
A history of the University of Cambridge / |
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LF109 .M82
The University of Cambridge ... / |
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LF109 .M821 2009
The University of Cambridge. |
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LF109 .M822 2009
The University of Cambridge, from the Royal Injunctions of 1535 to the Accession of Charles the First / |
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LF109 .M823 2009
The University of Cambridge. |
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LF109 .S36
The foundation of the Vniversitie of Cambridge with a catalogue of the principall founders and speciall benefactors of all the colledges and the totall number of students, magistrates and officers therein being, anno 1622 / |
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LF109 .V46 2009
Early collegiate life / |
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LF109 .W9 1841
Le Keux's Memorials of Cambridge : a series of views of the colleges, halls, and public buildings / |
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