Call Number (LC) Title Results
LF204.A7 R45 John Argentine : provost of Kings's; his life and his library. 1
LF205 .B7 [Brief description of the construction of King's College at University of Cambridge] 1
LF209 Secrets of King's College Chapel / 1
LF215 .F34 An impartial relation of the whole proceedings against St. Mary Magdalen Colledge in Oxon in the year of our Lord 1687 : containing only matters of fact as they occurred. 1
LF215 .P9 Magdalene College / 1
LF221 S88 1585 Statuta et ordinationes collegii sive aulæ Mariæ Valentiae communiter nuncupatæ Penbrooke Hall, in Vniuersicate Cantabrigiensi 1
LF224.W5 A27 Cambridge and other memories, 1920-1953. 1
LF224.W5 A3 1965a Spots of time : a retrospect of the years 1897-1920 / by Basil Willey. 1
LF225 .P46 2010 Pembroke College Cambridge : a Short History / 1
LF254 .A2 Admissions to the college of St. John the Evangelist in the University of Cambridge. 1
LF255 .B31 2009 History of the College of St John the Evangelist, Cambridge. 1
LF255 .M55 2009 Portrait of a college : a history of the College of Saint John the Evangelist, Cambridge / 1
LF261 .H68 The petition and argvment of Mr. Hotham, fellow of Peter-house in Cambridge, before the Committee for Reformation of the Universities, April 10, 1651 against the masters negative voice of that colledge, and for a remedy to be granted the colledge against the usurpations of Doctor Seaman the present master, agreeable to what was granted by Parliament to the city of London, an. Dom. 1648 for the better enabling them in case of need to act as a free body wihout their chief officers concurrence.
The petition and argument of Mr. Hotham, fellow of Peter-house in Cambridge, before the Committee for Reformation of the Universities, April 10, 1651 against the masters negative voice of that colledge, and for a remedy to be granted the colledge against the usurpations of Doctor Seaman the present master, agreeable to what was granted by Parliament to the city of London, an. Dom. 1648 for the better enabling them in case of need to act as a free body wihout their chief officers concurrence.
The petition and argvment of Mr. Hotham, fellow of Peter-house in Cambridge, before the Committee for Reformation of the Universities, April 10, 1651 against the masters negative voice of that colledge, and for a remedy to be granted the colledge against the usurpations of Doctor Seaman the present master, agreeable to what was granted the colledge against the usurpations of Doctor Seaman the present master, agreeable to what was granted by Parliament to the city of London, an. Dom. 1648 for the better enabling them in case of need to act as a free body without their chief officers concurrence.
The petition and argument of Mr. Hotham, fellow of Peter-house in Cambridge, before the Committee for Reformation of the Universities, April 10, 1651 against the masters negative voice of that colledge, and for a remedy to be granted the colledge against the usurpations of Doctor Seaman the present master, agreeable to what was granted by Parliament to the city of London, an. Dom. 1648 for the better enabling them in case of need to act as a free body wihout their chief officers concurrence.
LF295 .C6 The King's Hall within the University of Cambridge in the later Middle Ages
The King's Hall within the University of Cambridge in the later Middle Ages /
LF295 .R6 Romilly's Cambridge diary, 1832-42: selected passages from the diary of the Rev. Joseph Romilly, Fellow of Trinity College and Registrary of the University of Cambridge : chosen / 1
LF295 .R6 2009 Romilly's Cambridge Diary, 1832-42 : Selected Passages from the Diary of the Rev. Joseph Romilly, Fellow of Trinity College and Registrary of the University of Cambridge / 1
LF295 .T73 1946 Trinity College : an historical sketch / 1
LF296 .R6 Trinity College / 1
LF299 .R39 1698 Qui damnum infert, ad id resarciendum tenetur, nisi se inculpabilem esse probaverit 1
LF309.5 .S55 A university in the making / 1