Call Number (LC) Title Results
LF479 .A7 Essays and addresses / 1
LF479.95 .S35 2002 The history of the University of East Anglia, Norwich / 1
LF501 .A7 1661 Statuta selecta è corpore statutorum Universitatis Oxon ut in promptu & ad manum sint quæ magis ad usum (præcipuè juniorum) facere videntur. 2
LF501.A7 1670 Parecbolæ sive Excerpta è corpore statutorum Universitatis Oxon. In vsvm juventutis Academicæ 1
LF501 .A7 1845i Oxford University statutes 1
LF501 .A7 1853 Statutes of the colleges of Oxford : with royal patents of foundation, injunctions of visitors and catalogues of documents relating to the University. 1
LF501 .A7 1931 Excerpta e statutis Universitatis Oxoniensis. 1
LF501.A7 N67 1647 Nos quorum nomina literis præsentibus subscripta sunt, procuratoribus modernis academiæ Oxoniensis, nec-non universis et singulis collegiorum et aularum ibidem præfectis, præpositis, custodibus, magistris, alijsque quocunque nomine notis rectoribus, ac rectorum vices pro tempore gerentibus, salutem ... 1
LF501.A7 S72 1629 Statuta schedula sive repertorium seriei & circuitus prædicti, manu propria Cancellary .. 1
LF501.A73 A38 Advertisements from the delegates of convocation for His Majesties reception for the leads of houses to deliver with great charge unto their companies 2
LF501 .B16 Report. 1
LF501 .B3 1663 Advertisements from the delegates of convocation for his Majesties reception, for the heads of houses to deliver with great charge unto their companies. 2
LF501 .B3 1695 Advertisements from the delegates of convocation for his Majesties reception, for the heads of houses to deliver with great charge unto their companies. 2
LF501.B3 (INTERNET) The answer of the chancellor, masters and scholars of the Vniversity of Oxford, to the petition, articles of grievance, and reasons of the city of Oxon presented to the honorable committee for regulating the University of Oxford the 24. of July, 1649. 1
LF501.B3 .U65 1666 Cum de vestitu & habitu scholastico ... 1
LF501 .C4 The ancient kalendar of the University of Oxford, from documents of the fourteenth to the seventeenth century : together with Computus manualis ad usum Oxoniensium, from C. Kyrfoth's edition, Oxon., 1519-20 (with seven facsimiles) / 1
LF501.C4 F85 Academiæ Oxoniensis notitia 2
LF501.C7 U54 Comitia philologica in gratulatione solenni Academiae Oxon. ob honoratissimi cancellarii adventum expectatissimum Aug. 6 ... 1677 celebrata
Theatri Oxoniensis encaenia, Julii 6, 1677 celebrata
LF501.C7 U54 1674 Theatri Oxoniensis encaenia, Jul. 10. An. 1674. celebrata 1
LF501.C7 U54 1675 Theatri Oxoniensis encaenia, Jul. 9. An. 1675. celebrata 1