Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
LF514.F45 1666 | Cum per nuperam dispensandi hac in academia licentiam | 1 |
LF514 .F68 | The foundation of the Universitie of Oxford with a catalogue of the principall founders and speciall benefactours of all the colledges, and totall number of students, magistrates and officers therein being, anno 1634. | 1 |
LF514 .H37 | A defence of the proceedings of the Right Reverend the visitor and fellows of Exeter College in Oxford with an answer to : 1. The case of Exeter College related and vindicated, 2. The account examin'd. | 2 |
A defence of the rights and priviledges of the University of Oxford containing, 1. An answer to the petition of the city of Oxford. 1649. : 2. The case of the University of Oxford, presented to the Honourable House of Commons, Jan. 24. 1689/90. The Vniversity of Oxfords plea refuted, or, A full answer to a late printed paper intituled, The priviledges of the University of Oxford in point of visitation together with the universities answer to the summons of the visitors ... / Pegasus, or, The flying horse from Oxford bringing the proceedings of the visitours and other Bedlamites there, by command of the Earle of Mongomery. |
3 |
LF514.L3 D4 1691 | The case of the city of Oxford shewing how far they are concerned to oppose the confirmation of the charters and pretended priviledges of the university. With an answer to a late pamphlet printed at Oxford, entituled, A defence of the rights and priviledges of the University of Oxford. | 1 |
LF514.Q84 1624 | Qvæstiones in sacra theologia discvtiendæ Oxonii in vesperiis, decimo die Iuly, Ann. D. 1624. | 1 |
LF514 .S63 | The Speech of the recorder of Oxford to His Majesties [sic] at his entrance into that city | 2 |
LF514 .T1 | Great news from Oxford, or, An exact account of the several transactions of my Lord Lovelace in a letter to a friend | 2 |
LF514.U55 1647 | To the honourable visitours appointed by both Houses of Parliament for the regulating and reforming of the Vniversity of Oxford | 1 |
LF514.U55 1648 | To the honourable visitours appointed by both Houses of Parliament for the regulating and reforming of the Vniversity of Oxford. The petition of your friends and servants in the said Vniversity. | 1 |
LF514.U55 1660 |
Paul Hood doctor of divinity, rector of Lincoln College, and vice-chancellour of the University of Oxford to all whom it may concern Greetings, whereas the statutes of the University require certain scholasticall and decent habits, befitting every person in his severall degree to be used and put on when he shall appear any where in publique .. Sacræ theologiæ professor Paul Hood, doctor of divinity, rector of Lincoln College, and vice-chancellour of the Vniversity of Oxford to all whom it may concerne: Greetings. Whereas the statutes of the University require certaine scholasticall and decent habits befitting every person in his severall degree to be used and put on when he shall appear in publick .. Mart. 20. 1660. Quandoquidem compertun est intra Academiæ limites ... |
4 |
LF514.U55 1661 |
May the 11 1661 whereas great complaint hath been made of divers undergraduates, priviledge-persons, and townesmen of severall conditions and qualities December 3.1678 whereas I have received notice that (according to orders given) there will be within this University and city of Oxon strict guards kept and observed by His Majesties forces that are now in place in this place |
2 |
LF514.U55 1664 | Walter Blandford, doctor in divinity, and vice-chancellour of the University of Oxford, to all persons, whom it may concern, greeting whereas all undergraduates, and minors whatsoever, are strictly accomptable in all their matters of bargaine, and expence, to their respective tutors, and governours, and ought not by the lawes, and ancient usages of this place to be trusted, or dealt with for any summ or thing exceeding five shillings in value, without the approbation of the said tutors and governours. | 1 |
LF514.U55 1665 | Rules and orders made by the Vice-Chancellor of the Vniversity of Oxford and Iustices of Peace for the good and safety of the Vniversity, city and county of Oxford whereas there is a dayly encrease of the plague in the city of Lodon, the suberbs and parts adjacent by reason whereof very many persons have of late and dayly doe withdraw themselves from their respective habitations .. | 1 |
LF514.U55 1666 | Robert Say, doctor of divinity, provost of Oriel Colledge and vice-chancellour of the Vniversity of Oxford to all whom it may concern Greetings. Whereas the statutes of the University require certain scholastical and decent habits befitting every person in his severall degree to be used and put on when he shall appear in publick .. | 1 |
LF514.U55 1667 | Quanquam statuta academiæ summis rogata auspiciis, gravissimis sancita poenis & inviolandis jurisjurandi firmata nexibus | 1 |
LF514.U55 1669 |
To the right vvorshipful the heads of the respective colleges and halls in the Vniversity of Oxford Sirs, you are desired to signify to your societies that whereas on Friday morning next thereis intended to be held a convocation in the theater for the University's being invested in the possession of it .. Walter Blandford, doctor of divinity, vice-chancellor of the University of Oxford |
2 |
LF514 .U55 1671 | To the right worshipful the head of the respective colleges and halls of the University of Oxford you are desired to signifie to your societies and remind them that during the solemnity now approaching all doctors are to wear their scarlet gowns, that the excercises will begin at two of the clock this after none after the ringing of the little bell at St. Maries .. | 1 |
LF514.U55 1671 | Whereas formerly the practical musick performed in this school on the act Saturday, and other times | 1 |
LF514 .U55 1672 | To the right worshipful the heads of the respective colleges and halls of the University of Oxford : you are desired to signifie to your societies and remind them that during the solemnity now approaching all doctors are to wear their scarlet gowns and that the exercises will begin at one one of the clock in the after-noon after the ringing of the little bell at St. Maries .. | 1 |