Call Number (LC) Title Results
LG341.J438 J4 Research report. 1
LG341.J438 S3 Scopus. 1
LG341.J45 The planning and building of the Hebrew University, 1919-1948 : facing the Temple Mount / 1
LG341.J45 A55 1948 The Hebrew University, Jerusalem : its history and development. 1
LG341.J45 L4 Vision and fulfillment : the first twenty-five years of the Hebrew University, 1925-1950. 1
LG341.J45 M365 1987 Like all the nations? : the life and legacy of Judah L. Magnes / 1
LG341.J45 T645 2013 Toldot ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit bi-Yerushalayim : sefer ha-ishim : meyasdim, meʻatsvim, ṿe-rishone ha-profesorim li-fne ḳum ha-medinah = The history of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem : Who's who prior to statehood : founders, designers, pioneers / 1
LG341.M43 N49 Newsletter. 1
LG341.T47 C64 2014 Aḳademyah be-Tel-Aviv : tsemiḥatah shel universiṭah = Academia in Tel-Aviv : the making of a university / 1
LG347.K88 A3 al-Iḥṣāʼ al-sanawī 1
LG351.A72 A76 2011eb The American University of Beirut : Arab nationalism and liberal education /
The American University of Beirut Arab nationalism and liberal education /
LG351.A72 D58 The American University of Beirut : a brief history of the university and the lands which it serves. 1
LG351.A72 H36 An American mission : the role of the American University of Beirut / 1
LG351.A72 J843 2004 Darwin and the crisis of 1882 in the medical department : and the first student protest in the Arab world in the Syrian Protestant College (now the American University of Beirut) / 1
LG358.D38 R44 2009 The reform of Qatar University / 1
LG359 Circuits of Faith : Migration, Education, and the Wahhabi Mission. 1
LG395.S55.T36 2008 100 Inspiring Rafflesians, 1823-2003. 1
LG396.5.A141 O437 2015 Memacu Kecemerlangan Pengajian Tinggi Negara. 1
LG405 .A45 Opsommings van tesisse aanvaar deur die Universiteit van Suid-Afrika. : Summaries of theses accepted by the University of South Africa. 1
LG405 .B64 The examining boards and the examining university : some observations upon the establishment and development of the University of the Cape of Good Hope to 1885 / 1