Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
LJ145.D5 A3 | The Delta Kappa Gamma bulletin. | 1 |
LJ145.D615 G53 1988 | In search of sisterhood : Delta Sigma Theta and the challenge of the Black sorority movement / | 1 |
LJ145.K35 T87 2004 | Bound by a mighty vow : sisterhood and women's fraternities, 1870-1920 / | 1 |
LJ145.P4955 A44 | A century of friendship in Pi Beta Phi, 1867-1967. | 1 |
LJ145.P5 H3 | The history of Pi beta phi fraternity / | 1 |
LJ165.A47 T64 | Alpha Epsilon Pi : the first sixty-five years, 1913-1978 / | 1 |
LJ Ch,D | A Long Journey. | 1 |
LK It,D | The Last Kiss. | 1 |
lkw | Buen comienzo, buen futuro el bebé de diez meses / | 1 |
LL,a Fr,D | Les Lutins Du Court Metrage 10 Ans 10 Films. | 1 |
LLC4001 |
Urban regeneration management : international perspectives / Radical research : designing, developing and writing research to make a difference / Managers learning in action : management learning, research and education / The governance of public and non-profit organisations : what do boards do? / |
5 |
LLC4002 |
Strategic positioning in voluntary and charitable organizations Managerial economics of non-profit organizations |
2 |
LLC4004 | Can neighbourhoods save the city? : community development and social innovation / | 2 |
LLH Ch,D | Lets Love Hong Kong. | 1 |
LLL | London low life : street culture, social reform and the Victorian underworld, | 1 |
LLM4005 | Researching crime and justice : tales from the field / | 1 |
LLM4015 | An introduction to international criminal law and procedure / | 1 |
Gaceta oficial de la República de Cuba. Government gazette. Statutes of the Cape of Good Hope. The Statesman's year-book. Considérations sur l'état présent de la colonie française de Saint-Domingue : ouvrage politique et législatif : présenté au Ministre de la Marine / Die völkerrechtliche Stellung der B- und C-Mandate / Droit et administration de l'État indépendant du Congo / Reports of the United States Commissioners to the Centennial International Exhibition at Melbourne, 1888 / Derecho judicial español en la zona de nuestro protectorado en Marruecos : conferencias / Fanti law report of decided cases on Fanti customary laws : second selection / L'usure en droit musulman et ses conséquences pratiques / Colección de las leyes i decretos dados por el ... Congreso Constitucional de la Nueva Granada en el año de . Código de comercio (de 1.⁰ de junio de 1853) / The official gazette of the United Kingdom of Libya. al-Jarīdah al-rasmīyah. Legislación sobre el registro del estado civil en Cuba : compilación de disposiciones oficiales concordadas y anotadas / Bollettino ufficiale della Repubblica democratica Somala. Faafin rasmi ah ee Jumhuriyadda Dimuqradika Somaliya. Boletim da república : publicac̦ão oficial da República popular de Moc̦ambique. Africa south of the Sahara : a selected, annotated list of writings / The British Empire in Africa : selected references. A Guide to the microfilm collection of early state records / Journal officiel de la République du Congo. Constitución política para la Confederación Granadina. Instructions for the field cornets / Johannes Voet : Commentary on the Pandects, books 39.5, 39.6, 24.1, 23.4, 23.3, 23.5, concerning gifts inter vivos, mortis causa, between spouses, antenuptial contracts, and the proprietary rights of spouses / Journal officiel de la République populaire du Congo. South Dakota Senate journal : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the Senate of the ... Legislature . Bollettino ufficiale della Repubblica somala. Cuba past and present / Journal officiel de l'Algérie. Recueil des actes administratifs de la Délégation générale du gouvernement en Algérie. South Dakota House journal : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the House of Representatives of the ... South Dakota Legislature . Official gazette / Eastern Nigeria gazette. The Somaliland Protectorate gazette. Federal government gazette. Instructions for the Commandants : also the thirty-three articles, being general regulations relating to the Law Courts, with four appendices : instructie voor de Commandanten : benevens de drie en dertig artikelen, zynde algemeene bepalingen en wetten voor de Teregtzittingen met vier bylagen / |
41 |
LLMC 2014 |
A statement of the laws of Cuba in matters affecting business. Native law and custom : being a compendium of the recognised native customs in force in the native territories of the colony of the Cape of Good Hope, together with legislative amendments, and reports of some of the more important decisions of the native appeal court of Griqualand East, 1901-1909 / Cape of Good Hope Supreme Court reports : reformatted from the original and including, Cases decided in the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope, v. 1 (1880-2)-v. 4 (1885-6) . Organización y competencia de los juzgados y tribunales de la isla de Cuba, y reglamentos para los juicios verbales, de conciliación, de menor cuantía, juzgado de bienes de difuntos, y ministerio fiscal. Statutes relating to Florida : in the Diocesan Synod held by His Majesty's command / Real decreto de 4 de julio de 1825 e instrucción provisional aprobada por S.M. en 18 de diciembre del mismo año, para el gobierno de la minería : seguida de varias órdenes reales y superiores espedidas posteriormente con especialidad para esta Isla en fomento del ramo / Acts of Congress, treaties, proclamations, decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States and opinions of the Attorney General relating to noncontiguous territory, Cuba and Santo Domingo, and to military affairs / Comentarios á la Ley de enjuiciamiento civil reformada : conforme á las bases aprobadas por la Ley de 21 de junio de 1880 y publicada para la península é islas adyacentes por Real decreto de 3 de febrero de 1881, y para las de Cuba y Puerto Rico por el de 25 de septiembre de 1885, con las formularios correspondientes á todos los juicios / Statutes of the Cape of Good Hope. Natal law reports : reformatted from the original and including, Natal law reports (New series). Supreme Court. Code pénal. Gazette des tribunaux mixtes d'Egypt. Code d'instruction criminelle mixte. Journal of the Senate, extra session of the rebel Legislature, called together by a proclamation of C.F. Jackson / Colección de leyes, decretos y resoluciones emanadas de los poderes legislativo y ejecutivo de la República Dominicana : conteniendo además el Manifiesto ó Acta de Independencia de la república respecto de la de Haití : la comunicación entre la autoridad de aquel gobierno en Santo Domingo y la Junta Gubernativa Provisional instalada en la memorable Puerto del Conde : el acta de capitulación de la misma autoridad en 28 de febrero de 1844 : el Acta de Independencia de la república respecto de la de España : y las dos exposiciones dirigidas por el gobierno de la revolución restauradora al de S.M.C. en los años de 1863 y 1865 : con un índice cronológico al final de la obra. Public Officers' Agreement between Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Guyana / Commentarius ad Pandectas / Transvaal law reports : reports of cases decided in the Supreme Court. Senate journal of the state of Washington : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the Council of the Territory of Washington . Journal of the Senate of the state of Nevada : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the Council of the ... Legislative Assembly of the territory of Nevada . FEMA's urban search and rescue program in Haiti : how to apply lessons learned at home : hearing before the Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, second session, February 3, 2010. The Penal Code ; and, Criminal Procedure Code, 1945 / Jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo. Rebuilding Haiti in the Martelly era : a joint hearing before the Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere, Peace Corps, and Global Narcotics Affairs and the Subcommittee on International Development and Foreign Assistance, Economic Affairs, and International Environmental Protection of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, first session, June 23, 2011. Code civil des tribunaux indigènes : (traduction de l'arabe) Native courts in Nyasaland : (English-Chinyanja) / Ordinances and subsidiary legislation of the Uganda Protectorate : reformatted from the original and including, Ordinances . The Ankole agreement, 1962 = Endagaano y'Ankole eya 1962. Journal of the Senate of Alabama : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the Legislative Council of the Alabama Territory . Mining handbook : containing the principal mining legislation in force on the 1st of April 1945 / Le moniteur : journal officiel de la république d'Haïti. Répertoire alphabétique des notes et circulaires, 1891-1913 / Decreto promulgando como lei de la República el Tratado Jeneral de Paz, Amistad, Navegación i Comercio entre la República de la Nueva Ganada i los Estados Unidos de América. After the earthquake : empowering Haiti to rebuild better : hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, second session, May 19, 2010. Labor law and practice in Colombia / Código de procedimiento civil de la República de Chile, conforme a la edición oficial reformada. Haiti reconstruction : smart planning moving forward : hearing before the Subcommittee on International Development and Foreign Assistance, Economic Affairs, and International Environmental Protection of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, second session, February 4, 2010. Haiti : from rescue to recovery and reconstruction : hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, second session, January 28, 2010. Código penal de la república de Guatemala, 1889. Código de procedimiento en los negocios criminales / Tratados, convenciones, protocolos y demás actos internacionales vigentes celebrados por la República Argentina / Estatutos universitarios de la Nueva Granada. Código de comercio de la República de Guatemala,1877. Hayti, or, The Black republic / Código civil de la República de Guatemala, 1877. Código civil colombiano expedido por el Congreso de 1873 y adoptado por la Ley 57 de 1887 : con un suplemento de las leyes que lo adicionan y reforman, desde 1887 hasta 1892, inclusive. Memoria de la Corte Federal y de Casación. Anuario de la legislación peruana / Haïti : ses progrès, son avenir : avec un précis historique sur ses constitutions, le texte de la constitution actuellement en vigueur, et une bibliographie d'Haïti / Indice de leyes y resoluciones legislativas / Anales judiciales del Perú : reformatted from the original and including, Anales judiciales del Perú (1871/1872)-(1876/1879) ; Anales judiciales de la Corte Suprema de Justicia . Código de comercio (1898) / Recopilación de leyes y decretos de Venezuela. Statutes of the Union of South Africa = Wetten van die Unie van Zuid-Afrika. Boletin de obras públicas / Informe de la administración provisional / Mensaje del Presidente ... al Congreso de la República de Cuba. Memoria que eleva al gobierno el Fiscal del Tribunal Supremo de la Isla de Cuba / Ley sobre la nacionalidad cubana en la República de Cuba : publicada en la "Gaceta oficial" del día 7 de noviembre de 1902 : publicación autorizada por el gobierno. Legislación notarial de Cuba : compilación de disposiciones oficiales concordadas y anotadas / El procedimiento correccional en Cuba : compilación de disposiciones oficiales concordadas y anotadas / Memoria de estadística judicial : quinquenio del 1909 al 1913. Law decree no. 162 on customs. Ley no. 73 del sistema tributario = Law no. 73 of the tributary system. Ley de minas. Constitución de la República de Cuba : (actualizada) / Decreto n⁰. 522 referente a la concesión para el dragado y mejoras de los puertos de Cuba = Decree no. 522 with reference to the concession for the dredging and improvement of the ports of Cuba. Las leyes de reforma agraria en Cuba. The Penal code of the islands of Cuba and Porto Rico. Hawaii House journal : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of proceedings of the House of Representatives of the ... Legislature of the territory of Hawaii . The Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. The Egyptian question / Journal des tribunaux mixtes : bulletin d'informations judiciares. Report of the Nyasaland Constitutional Conference : held in London in July and August, 1960 / Journal of the Senate of the state of Missouri : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the Senate of the state of Missouri at the ... session of the ... General Assembly . Diario de sesiones del Congreso de la República de Cuba. Kansas Senate journal : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the Council of the Territory of Kansas . Proyecto de presupuestos generales de la nación, 1912 á 1913. Nebraska House journal : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the House of Representatives ... of the General Assembly of the Territory of Nebraska . House journal : reformatted from the original and including, House journal of the ... Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Wyoming . Journal of the House of Representatives : reformatted from the original and including, Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the state of Arizona . Ohio House journal : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the House of Representatives of the state of Ohio . Journal of the Senate, state of Colorado : reformatted from the original and including, Council journal of the Legislative Assembly of the territory of Colorado . Journals and calendars of the Senate and House : reformatted from the original and including, Journals of the Senate and House . Missouri House journal : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the House of Representatives of the state of Missouri . Senate journals : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the Senate of Texas . Journal of the Senate : reformatted from the original and including, Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the state of Arizona . Idaho Senate journal : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the ... Council of Idaho Territory . Journal of the House of Representatives of Oklahoma : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the ... session of the Legislative Assembly of Oklahoma Territory . Nebraska Senate journal : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the Council at the ... session of the General Assembly of the Territory of Nebraska . Journals of the ... Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona. Journal of the House of Representatives of Idaho : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the ... House of Representatives, Idaho Territory . Journal of the Senate of the Legislative Assembly of Oregon : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the Council of the Territory of Oregon . House journal of the state of Washington : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the House of Representatives of the Territory of Washington . Journal of the Assembly of the state of Nevada : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the House of Representatives of the ... Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Nevada . The Journal of the House of Representatives of Alaska : reformatted from the original and including, The Journal of the House of Representatives of the ... Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Alaska . Legislative journal of the State of Nebraska. Journal of the House of Representatives of the Legislative Assembly of Oregon : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the House of Representatives of the Territory of Oregon . Diario de sesiones de la Convención Constituyente. Journal of the House of Representatives. Journal of the Senate of the ... Legislative Assembly / Journal of the House of the ... session of the Legislative Assembly / Alaska Senate journal : reformatted from the original and including, Senate journal of the ... Legislature of the Territory of Alaska . Appendix to Journals of Senate and Assembly of the Legislature of the state of Nevada : reformatted from the original and including, Appendix to Journals of Senate of the ... session of the Legislature of the state of Nevada . Senate journal : reformatted from the original and including, Council journal of the ... Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Wyoming . The constitution of the state of Zanzibar. Report of the British Guiana Constitutional Conference : held in London in March, 1960. Reports of cases decided in the Supreme Court of the South African Republic (Transvaal) Law reports : containing cases determined by the High Court of Mombasa, and by the Appeal Court at Zanzibar, and by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, on appeal from that Court : with appendices containing notes on native customs, Appeal Court rules, legal practitioners' rules, High Court rules, circulars, &c. / Commentarius ad Pandectas : translated into English : The contract of letting and living (Book XIX, Tit. 2.) / Voet, Commentarius ad pandectas. Voet ad Pandectas. Legislación mexicana, ó, Colección completa de las disposiciones legislativas expedidas desde la independencia de la República / Colección de ordenes y decretos de la Soberana Junta Provisional Gubernativa y soberanos congresos generales de la Nación mexicana. Johannes Voet's Commentary on the Pandects : Books XXX., XXXI., and XXXII., in one title, dealing with legacies and fideicommissa / Voet, Commentarius ad Pandectas : book 23, title 2, on marriage laws, with a digest of the cases connected therewith / Voet, Commentarius ad Pandectas / Voet, Ad Pandectas : lib. XLVIII., tit. IV., Ad Legem Juliam majestatis (lèse-majesté and treason), necnon lib. XLVIII., tit. VI., pars anterior, Ad Legem Juliam de vi publica (sedition) / Proclamations from 1900-1902. Statutory proclamations of the Transvaal, 1900-1902 : (revised to 31st December, 1903) Acts of the Parliament of the Colony of Natal / La constitución y la dictadura : estudio sobre la organización política de México / Derecho constitucional : escrito para servir de texto a los alumnos del Colejio Militar / Manual de la Constitución política mexicana y colección de leyes relativas / Voet's Pandects : De rebus creditis, si certum petatur, et de condictione (Lib. XII. tit. I.) / Voet's titles on vindicationes & interdicta / Voet : Book XXXVI. Titles I. and II. Ad s. c. Trebellianum and therein mainly of fidei-commissa and the vesting of legacies and of fidei-commissa : (excluding sections 40-48, 51-53, 57-59 of title I., relating to the Trebellian fourth, &c.) / Commentary on the Pandects : on suretyship, novation and payment : book 46, titles 1, 2 and 3 / Voet's Commentaries. Voet's commentaries. Correspondence regarding the modification of the boundary between British mandated territory and Belgian mandated territory in East Africa / Anales de la legislación federal. South African tax cases : including decisions of the Supreme Court and the special courts for hearing income tax appeals. The statute law of the Transvaal / Índice alfabético de la recopilación de leyes y decretos de los estados unidos de Venezuela / Délimitation de la frontière Anglo-Portugaise dans la région du Manica : arrêt de l'arbitre. Voet. Commentarius ad Pandectas : select titles translated into English : II. The senatus-consultum velleianum. Set-off. The actio depositi. (Book XVI.) : with index and list of reported cases : also index and list of reported cases for part I / Prontuario de los códigos mexicanos : compendio alfabético de los principios y reglas del Código Civil, Código de Comercio y Código de Procedimientos Civiles ... / A contribution to an English translation of Voet's Commentary on the Pandects : comprising all the titles on purchase and sale -- letting and hiring -- mortgages -- evictions -- warranty -- and allied subjects ; being lib. XVIII., XIX., XX., XXI., and tit. VII. of lib. XIII. / Código penal : el Senado i Cámara de Representantes de la Nueva Granada, reunidos en Congreso, han venido en decretar i decretan el siguiente Código penal. Registro oficial, decretos, órdenes y resoluciones del gobierno, durante la campaña y permanencia del libertador en el Ecuador. El juicio de amparo y el writ of habeas corpus : ensayo crítico-comparativo sobre esos recursos constitucionales / Constitución federal de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos sancionada y jurada por el Congreso general constituyente el día 5 de febrero de 1857 : adicionada por el 7.⁰ Congreso constitucional el 25 de septiembre y 4 de octubre de 1873 y el 6 de noviembre de 1874 juntamente con las leyes orgánicas expedidas hasta hoy. Commentary on the Pandects : in which, besides the principles of the Roman law and the more remarkable controversies, the modern law and more particularly questions of practice, are examined : Books 44 & 45, exceptions, prescriptions, obligations, actions / Institutes of Holland : or, Manual of law, practice, and mercantile law, for the use of judges, lawyers, merchants, and all who wish to have a general view of the law / Supplement to the Roman and Roman-Dutch law of injuries The Roman and Roman-Dutch law of injuries : a translation of Book 47, title 10, of Voet's Commentary on the Pandects, with annotations / Commentarius ad Pandectas : translated into English : Part I, The contract of sale. (Book xviii.) / Voet's commentaries : books XLIII. & XXXIX. 3 : interdicts and water rights / Statute law of the Transvaal, 1839-1910 (in force on 31st May, 1910) / Voet's Commentaries : Book XXXIX. Title V. De donationibus. And book XXXIX. Title VI. De mortis causa donationibus et capionibus / Statute law of the territory of Griqualand West : comprising the proclamations and government notices enacted before the promulgation of the Constitution Ordinance, and still wholly or in part in force. Manchuria : report of the Commission of Enquiry appointed by the League of Nations. Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America regarding Technical Assistance for British Guiana : Washington, June 29/July 12, 1954 / Report of the Southern Rhodesia Constitutional Conference, Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia, February, 1961 : presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations by command of Her Majesty, February 1961. Exchange of notes between the government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the government of the Republic of Guyana concerning officers designated by the government of the United Kingdom in the service of the government of Guyana : (the Overseas Service (Guyana) (Continuance) Agreement 1977/81) : Georgetown, 31 March 1977 (the agreement entered into force on 1 April 1977) / Papers regarding negotiations for a treaty of alliance with Egypt / Agreement between the government of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland and the Government of Guyana regarding the Status of Her Majesty's Forces in Guyana, Georgetown, 26 May 1966 / The conflict between the United States and Russia / Límites entre el Ecuador y el Perú : memorandum para el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de la República de Bolivia / Report of the Sierra Leone Constitutional Conference : held in London in April and May, 1960 : presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for the Colonies by command of Her Majesty, May 1960. South African law reports. Decisions of the Supreme Court of South Africa (Cape of Good Hope Provincial Division) Treaty of alliance between His Majesty, in respect of the United Kingdom, and His Majesty the King of Egypt : (with an agreed minute thereto, three notes, notes exchanged in Egypt on August 12, 1936, and an oral declaration made by the president of the Egyptian Council of Ministers on August 10, 1936) and a Convention concerning the immunities and privileges to be enjoyed by the British forces in Egypt; London, August 26, 1936 (the Treaty has not been ratified by His Majesty) / Les sociétés anonymes étrangères en Egypte et la jurisprudence mixte / Racial problems in the public service : report of the British Guiana Commission of Inquiry constituted by the International Commission of Jurists. Soviet patent and trade mark law : report of a United Kingdom delegation to the Soviet Union. Commonwealth consultations on Britain's relations with the European Economic Community : statements on talks between British ministers and other Commonwealth Governments / Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America extending for a further period of five years from 1st July, 1964, the Agreement regarding Technical Assistance for British Guiana constituted by an Exchange of Notes dated 29 June/12 July, 1954 : Washington, 22/29 June, 1964 / British Guiana Conference, 1963 / Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Guyana concerning the Provision of Personnel of the United Kingdom Armed Forces to Assist in the Staffing, Administration and Training of the Armed Forces of Guyana, Georgetown, 15 June, 1967 / Leyes colombianas : reformatted from the original and including, Actos oficiales del gobierno provisorio de los Estados Unidos de Colombia . La paz con Bolivia ante el poder legislativo. Rules of court. Immigration and colonization problems of Ecuador / Constitución política de la república de la Nueva Granada. North Charterland concession inquiry : report to the governor of Northern Rhodesia / Panama Canal tolls : instruction of the Secretary of State of January 17, 1913, to the American chargé d'affaires at London, and the British notes of July 8, 1912, and November 14, 1912, to which it replies. Translation of the mining law of South West Africa : together with amendments thereto as published in Proclamation 24 of 1919. Recopilación de las leyes de la República de Guatemala : reformatted from the original and including, Recopilación de las leyes emitadas por el gobierno democratico de la República de Guatemala .. Transvaal gold law : translation into English of law no. 15 of 1898, together with reports of cases decided under the law, and the registration of mining rights proclamation no. 35 of 1902, as amended by ordinance no. 6 of 1902 and ordinance no. 6 of 1903 : and the mines, works and machinery regulations ordinance no. 54 of 1903, with separate indexes / Bankruptcy and insolvency laws of Argentina / Leyes de la Republica de Colombia : comprende este tomo las leyes i decretos dados por el Congreso constitucional de 1827 ; i ademas algunas de las del Congreso constituyente de 1830. Note explicative sur le Code pénal et le Code d'instruction criminelle : promulgués par décrets du 14 avril 1904, accompagnant les textes soumis au Conseil des ministres. Despatch from the Governor of Southern Rhodesia relating to the proposed amendment of the Southern Rhodesia constitution / Toussaint Louverture, général en chef de l'armée de Saint-Domingue, surnommé le premier des noirs : ouvrage écrit d'après des documents inédits et les papiers historiques et secrets de la famille Louverture, orné d'un portrait authentique du célébre général et du fac-simile de sa signature / The laws of Zanzibar : in force on the 28th day of February, 1922. A Digest of appeals from local courts. The laws of the Somaliland Protectorate : containing the ordinances of Somaliland in force on the 30th day of June, 1930. The laws of Kenya in force on the 21st day of September, 1948. Notices, proclamations, regulations and rules in force on the 30th day of June, 1930 / Le Code de commerce mixte (sauf la faillite) : commenté par la jurisprudence de la Cour d'appel mixte et suivi d'un appendice contenant la jurisprudence de la même cour en matière de : banque, bourse, courtiers à la bourse, opérations de bourse, comptes en général, compte-courant, propriété commerciale et industrielle, usages commerciaux, vente commerciale / The laws of the Tanganyika Territory in force on the 1st day of January, 1947. Guide to civil procedure and the assessment of court fees payable in civil suits, execution proceedings, civil appeals, criminal private prosecutions, criminal appeals and court brokers' duties and fees / The laws of the Somaliland Protectorate : containing the ordinances, Orders in Council, and orders of the Secretary of State in force on the 1st day of January, 1950. Kenya, law of criminal procedure : a country law study / Area handbook for Kenya / Digest and guide to the criminal law of Kenya / Index to the laws of the Tanganyika Territory, in force on the 31st day of December 1940 : with a table showing the effect of amending legislation 1929-1940 / The laws of Kenya / Index, journals of the Senate and House of the state of Missouri. Kyū Taiwan Sōtokufu kankei shiryō mokuroku : Beikoku Gikai Toshokan shozō = Bibliography of matererials [sic] related to the Taiwan Government General : collection at Library of Congress in the United States / Journal of the House of Representatives of Minnesota : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the House of Representatives ... session of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Minnesota . Boletin de leyes y decretos del gobierno : reformatted from the original and including, Boletin de las leyes i decretos del gobierno . Journal of the House of Representatives of Iowa : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the House of Representatives of the ... Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Iowa . Uganda law reports : reformatted from the original and including: Law reports, containing cases determined by the High Court of Uganda, and by the Court of Appeal for Eastern Africa, on appeal from that court . Codes des tribunaux mixtes d'Égypte précédés du règlement d'organisation judiciaire. South Dakota Senate journal : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the Senate of the ... Legislature . Neutral rights and obligations in the Anglo-Boer war / Law reports / Proclamations, regulations, bylaws, acts, ordinances, and government notices. Law reports of cases determined by the High Court of Tanganyika and upon appeal therefrom by the Court of Appeal for Eastern Africa. Proclamations, rules and regulations / Law reports of cases determined by the High Court of Tanganyika and upon appeal therefrom by the Court of Appeal for Eastern Africa / The laws of Kenya : containing the ordinances of Kenya in force on the 1st day of January, 1924. Journal of the House of Representatives of Alabama : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the House of Representatives of the Alabama Territory . Uganda constitutional instruments : the Uganda (Independence) Order in Council, 1962, and the Constitution of Uganda (excluding schedules 1 to 6) : in force on the 31st December, 1963. Laws of the Uganda Protectorate in force on the 30th April, 1923 : revised and consolidated under the authority of "The Revised Edition of the Laws Ordinance, 1923" / Laws of the Uganda Protectorate : revised and consolidated under the authority of the Revised Edition of the Laws Ordinance / The laws of the Uganda Protectorate in force on the 1st day of January, 1951. Le droit de l'Uganda / Zanzibar legislation. Journal of the Senate of Iowa : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the Council of the ... Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Iowa . The dual jurisdiction in Zanzibar / The income tax laws of Uganda (1940-1947) : with rules and proclamations, cross-references and tables of personal allowances and rates of tax as at 1st March, 1948. The laws of the Tanganyika Territory in force on the 31st day of December, 1928. Luo customary law and marriage laws, customs / South Dakota House journal : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the House of Representatives of the ... South Dakota Legislature . Proposals for a new Constitution for Rhodesia. Codes égyptiens, précédés du règlement d'organisation judiciaire. Code pénal des tribunaux indigènes : (traduction de l'arabe). Report of the Secretary for Justice for the year ended . Constitution of Botswana. Statutes of the Transvaal : reformatted from the original and including, Ordinances of the Transvaal . Northern Rhodesia : statement by the Secretary of State for the Colonies on proposals for constitutional change. South West Africa cases : report of the Committee and background materials / Report of the Legal Profession (Entry and Training) Committee. Code of criminal procedure of the Egyptian native tribunals ; and, Law Constituting Courts of Assize (Law no. 4 of 1905) = Code d'instruction criminelle des tribunaux indigènes ; et, Institution des cours d'assises (Loi no. 4, 1905) Transvaal law reports. reformatted from the original and including, Reports of cases decided in the Witwatersrand High Court . The commercial code of the Egyptian native tribunals : (translation) The civil code of the Egyptian native tribunals : (translation) Northern Rhodesia : proposals for constitutional change / Journal of the House of Representatives of the state of Louisiana : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the House of Representatives during the ... session of the ... Legislature of the state of Louisiana . Minnesota Senate journal : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the Council during the ... session of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Minnesota . Official journal of the Senate of Louisiana : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the Senate of the state of Louisiana . Bulletin des lois et décrets. Notes on African customs in Nyasaland / Journals of the Senate of the state of Ohio : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the Senate of the state of Ohio . Commentarius ad Pandectas. Report of provisional administration / Index to the laws of the Uganda Protectorate : reformatted from the original and including, Index to the laws of the Uganda Protectorate in force on the ... day of .. The conflict of laws in Zanzibar / Acts of Parliament : reformatted from the original and including, Acts of the Parliament of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope . |
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The Burma code. The Constitution of the Union of Burma / Index of Upper Burma rulings 1892-1913 : criminal. Annual volume of the laws : reformatted from the original and including, Ordinances of the Nyasaland Protectorate . Code of Mohammedan personal law according to the Hanafite school The inner history of the National Convention of South Africa / Botswana, Lesotho, and Swaziland, a guide to official publications, 1868-1968 / The Sudan Penal Code and the ordinances, rules, etc., constituting and regulating the procedure of the civil, criminal & Mohammedan law courts of the Sudan. The South African Customs Union Tariff, 1906 ; and, The official alphabetical arrangement of the tariff : together with the customs union regulations and customs ready reckoner : memoranda on custms interpretations, lists of standard disinfectants, tinctures, &c., and other useful information / Digest of Native High Court reports, 1899-1915 / The penal and criminal procedure codes of the Sudan / Impressions of South Africa / The Cape of Good Hope : being the official handbook of the city of Capetown / Notes and digest of the principal decisions of the Supreme Court of the Colony of Natal ... / Report of all the important cases heard in the Native Territories Appeal Court sitting in Umtata and Butterworth from the date of its establishment to the beginning of the year 1907 / Digest of the Native High Court reports, Natal, 1899-1909 / Select documents relating to the unification of South Africa / Cases determined in the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope / Les lois et l'administration de la Rhodésie / The laws of Northern Rhodesia : in force on the 30th day of June, 1930. Statute law of the Cape of Good Hope, comprising the placaats, proclamations, and ordinances, enacted before the establishment of the colonial parliament and still wholly or in part in force. Proclamations, notices, and regulations in force in the native territories of the Cape Colony on the 20th of July, 1896 / Law reports of Northern Rhodesia : containing cases determined by the High Court of Northern Rhodesia in the exercise of its appellate, revisional and original jurisdiction. The laws of Nyasaland in force on 31st December, 1946. The laws of Northern Rhodesia : prepared under the authority of the Revised edition of the laws ordinance, 1947-1948 / The statute law of Southern Rhodesia : containing acts of Parliament from 1st January, 1939 to 31st December, 1949, and including Acts nos. 32 and 33 of 1938 : with chronological and alphabetical indices / The laws of Nyasaland in force on the 31st day of December, 1933. The statute law of Southern Rhodesia in force on the 1st day of January, 1939 / Cases decided in the High Court of the Transvaal province : with table of cases and alphabetical index / Ordinances / Orders of the King in Council, relating to the Nyasaland Protectorate, in force on the 31st December, 1913 : with all proclamations, rules, notices, etc, thereunder and an appendix containing the statutes described in the first schedule to the Foreign Jurisdiction Act, 1890 / The Institutes of Cape law : being a compendium of the common law, decided cases, and statute law of the colony of the Cape of Good Hope / Ordinances of the Province of the Orange Free State = Ordonanties van de Provincie Oranje Vrijstaat. Statute law : reformatted from the original and including, Orders in Council and High Commissioner's proclamations and notices . Índice jeneral del Boletín de las leyes : que comprende todas las leyes i disposiciones supremas, dictadas en la República de Chile, i publicadas en esa obra desde 1810 hasta 1881 / Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the financial position and further development of Nyasaland. The theory of the judicial practice of the colony of the Cape of Good Hope : and of South Africa generally : with suitable and copious practical forms subjoined to and illustrating the practice of the several subjects treated of / Proclamations, rules and notices relating to the Nyasaland Protectorate in force on the 31st December, 1914 / Orders in council, ordinances, regulations, proclamations, orders and rules : reformatted from the original and including, King's regulations . The statute law of the Orange River Colony / East India (constitutional reforms) : draft rules under the Government of India Act : draft rules under the Government of India Act required to give effect to the notification issued under section 52A (1) of the act on 7th October 1921 by the Governor-General of India in Council with the sanction of His Majesty, constituting Burma a governor's province under the act : (as approved by the Standing Joint Committee on Indian Affairs) / [Burma acts] Local rules and orders made under enactments applying to Burma : (Burma rules manual) Colección de leyes, decretos y ordenes publicadas en el Perú desde el año de 1821 hasta 31 de diciembre de 1859 : reimpresa por orden de materias / Government of Burma Act, 1935 : report by Sir Laurie Hammond, K.C.S.I., C.B.E., on the delimitation of constituencies in Burma and connected matters / Indian constitutional reforms : views of local governments on the working of the reforms dated 1927. The British Burma code : consisting of the regulations and local acts in force in British Burma. Lower Burma rulings : being the printed judgments of the Chief Court of Lower Burma / East India (constitutional reforms) : report of the Reforms Enquiry Committee, 1924, appointed by the government of India, and connected papers / Burma Round Table Conference, 27th November, 1931-12th January, 1932 / The Burma code : containing the Bengal regulations, the local acts of the governor general in council and the regulations under 33 Victoria, cap. 3, in force in Lower and Upper Burma : with chronological tables and an appendix. The Burma law journal. Government of India Act, 1935 : report of the committee appointed in connection with the delimitation of constituencies and connected matters / presented by the Secretary of State for India to Parliament by command of His Majesty, March, 1936. The Burma code = Praññʻ thoṅʻ cu Mranʻ mā Nuiṅʻ ṅaṃ upade. East India (constitutional reforms) : rules under the Government of India Act. Criminal circulars : being judgments and rulings in criminal appeals and references to the Court of the Judicial Commissioners and the Special Court of Lower Burma / A decennial digest of Burma rulings, 1923-32 / Minutes of proceedings with annexures (selected) of the South African National Convention : held at Durban, Cape Town and Bloemfontein, 12th October, 1908, to 11th May, 1909 / Select constitutional documents illustrating South African history, 1795-1910 / Los americanos en Cuba / Colección de leyes, decretos y órdenes publicadas en el Perú desde su independencia en el año 1821. Jurisprudencia argentina. Kansas House journal : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the House of Representatives of the Territory of Kansas . Journal of the House of Representatives. Memorias sobre el estado político, gobierno y administración de la isla de Cuba / List of books relating to Cuba : including references to collected works and periodicals / Ordenanza del Tribunal Superior Territorial de Cuentas de la Isla de Cuba : de 30 de abril de 1855 y reglamento de la mismo fecha para la egecución de dicha ordenanza. Bibliografía cubana del siglo XX / Reglamento para los intérpretes de Real Hacienda en la Isla de Cuba. Africa, sub-Sahara, a selected functional bibliography / The statute law, being the regulations : from 1st August, 1900, to 31st December, 1907 / The Rubber Control Act : i.e. the Indian Rubber Control Act, 1934 (Act XXVIII of 1934), as amended by the Indian Rubber Control (Amendment) Act, 1936, which was adapted and modified for application in Burma from the date of the separation of Burma from India, namely the 1st April, 1937, by the Government of Burma (Adaptation of Laws) Order, 1937, and subsequently amended by the Rubber Control (Amendment) Act, Burma Act VIII, 1939. (As in force from the 10th May 1939) Colección de leyes, decretos, ordenes y oficios publicados en el Perú en el año de 1860 / Índice general del Boletín de las leyes y decretos del gobierno de Chile : que comprende todas las leyes y disposiciones supremas dictadas en la República de Chile y publicadas en esa obra desde 1810 hasta la actualidad : le sirve de base el índice publicado en 1882 por don Manuel E. Ballesteros / Notas coloniales / Estatutos y reglamento del Banco Español de la Habana. Cuba : su presupuesto de gastos / Bibliografía cubana del siglo XIX / Cuba y su evolución colonial / Mi gestión ministerial respecto a la isla de Cuba / Páginas para la historia de la isla de Cuba / The Pearl of the Antilles / The Defence of Burma Act, 1940 : Burma Act No. I of 1940 (29th February 1940) : Act and rules to provide for special measures to ensure the public safety and interest and the defence of British Burma and for the trial of certain offences : (as modified up to the 10th October 1940) Orders in Council, High Commissioner's proclamations and notices, and administrator's notices / Official publications of French West Africa, 1946-1958 : a guide / Official publications of British East Africa / Official publications of Somaliland, 1941-1959 : a guide / The statute law of Southern Rhodesia : from the charter to 31st December, 1910 / Official publications of Sierra Leone and Gambia / Madagascar and adjacent islands : a guide to official publications / Recopilación de leyes por orden numérico : reformatted from the original and including, Recopilación de decretos-leyes . Legislación naval y de aviación : reformatted from the original and including, Legislación naval . Colección de leyes y resoluciones sancionadas por el Congreso de 1862 : y proyectos de interés general que penden en revisión ante la Cámara de Diputados. Statutes of the Cape of Good Hope, 1652-1886 / Revista do Supremo tribunal federal. Sentencias / Premier mémoire : le droit du Brésil présenté à Rome le 27 février 1903 / Anuario administrativo : reformatted from the original and including, El anuario . Voto particular contra la enmienda Platt / Bibliografía cubana de los siglos XVII y XVIII / Manual de instrucción militar y reglamento / Cuba intervenida / Ensayo político sobre la isla de Cuba / Journal of the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the House of Representatives at a great and general court or assembly of His Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England . Cuba and its international relations / A Cuban expedition / History of Cuba, or, Notes of a traveller in the tropics : being a political, historical, and statistical account of the island, from its first discovery to the present time / Ley de impuestos municipales y procedimiento de cobranza de la República de Cuba : publicada en edición extraordinaria de la 'Gaceta' de septiembre 22 de 1909. Cartas al rey acerca de la isla de Cuba / La Habana a mediados del siglo XIX : memorias / Instrucción sobre el procedimiento administrativo para la cobranza de créditos a favor de la Hacienda. Cuban acquisitions and bibliography : proceedings and working papers of an international conference held at the Library of Congress, April 13-15, 1970 / Llamamiento de la isla de Cuba a la nación española, dirigido al Exemo. é Illmo. Señor Don Baldomero Espartero, duque de la Victoria, presidente del Consejo de ministros / Reglamento de medicina y cirujía, formado por la inspección de estudios de las islas de Cuba y Puerto-Rico y aprobado por S.M. en Real orden de tres de enero de 1844. Cuba : monografía histórica que comprende desde la pérdida de La Habana hasta la restauración española / Journal of the Senate of Arkansas : reformatted from the original and including, Journals of the ... session of the General Assembly of the Territory of Arkansas . Manual del diplomático cubano : contiene el texto de las letras y disposiciones, comentadas y anotadas, sobre la organización de la Secretaría de Estado y del cuerpo diplomático de la República de Cuba / Journal of the Senate of the state of Mississippi : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the Legislative Council of the Mississippi Territory . Policía Secreta Nacional : publicación oficial mensual. House journal : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the House of Representatives of the state of Tennessee . Journal of the House, North Carolina : reformatted from the original and including, The Journal of the House of Burgesses of the province of North Carolina . Công báo Việt Nam Cộng Hoà Portuguese Africa : a guide to official publications / Reglas que deban seguirse en el recibo, entrega, destino y cuenta y razón de cimarrones. Ley sobre retiros / Real declaración de su magestad de 17 de junio de 1773, sobre el método y observancia uniforme con que debe cumplirse en los dominios de América lo dispuesto en el reglamento del Monte Pío Militar / Real orden sobre documentos de giro. Nuevo reglamento que S.M. se ha servido espedir para gobierno del Monte Pío Militar en España e Indias. Arancel de costas procesales de todos los juzgados y tribunales del territorio de la Audiencia pretorial de la Habana. Reglamento para las milicias de Infantería y caballería de la Isla de Cuba / Jurisprudencia de los tribunales nacionales / Reglamento orgánico del resguardo de la isla de Cuba. Annexes du Premier mémoire du Brésil. Instrucción sobre el servicio del resguardo, de la isla de Cuba : sus obligaciones, derechos y penas, mandada observar por real orden de 29 de agosto de 1845. Fallos de la Excma. Cámara Federal de Apelación de la capital / United States vs. Mexico in the matter of the case of the Pious Fund of the Californias : report of Jackson H. Ralston, agent of the United States and of counsel, in the matter of the case of the Pious Fund of the Californias : heard before a tribunal of the Permanent Court of Arbitration under The Hague Convention of 1899, sitting at The Hague September 15, 1902, to October 14, 1902 : with pleadings, appendix, exhibits, briefs, and record of the entire proceedings. Reglamento sobre el uso del papel sellado en la isla de Cuba. Second mémoire : présenté à Rome le 26 septembre 1903 / Reglamento del Cuerpo de honrados bomberos de esta isla destinado a apagar los incendios. Collecção das decisões do governo do Imperio do Brazil : reformatted from the original and including, Decisões, 1808-1820; Collecçao das decisões do governo do Brazil, 1821; Collecção das decisões do governo do Imperio do Brazil, 1822-1889; Decisões do governo provisorio da República dos Estados Unidos do Brazil, 1890-1891; Decisões do governo da República dos Estados Unidos do Brazil, 1891?-1917. Journal of the Senate, North Carolina : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the Senate, state of North Carolina . Journal of the House of Representatives of the state of Georgia : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the Assembly of Georgia . Reglamento para la organización y regimen de siete escuadrones de caballería milicias urbanas rurales de Fernando VII : formado el año de 1825, de orden del Excmo. Sr. Capitán general de la isla, Don Francisco Dionisio Vives. Development of constitutional law in New York state and the Constitutional Convention of 1894 : read before the society, April 13, 1896 / Diario de los procedimientos del Senado : reformatted from the original and including, Diario del Consejo del Territorio de N. Mejico . Sessional papers / Abbas II / Decisions of the Rhodesian Court of Appeal. Memoria de la Corte Federal y de Casación. Anuario de la legislación peruana / Indice de leyes y resoluciones legislativas / Anales judiciales del Perú : reformatted from the original and including, Anales judiciales del Perú (1871/1872)-(1876/1879) ; Anales judiciales de la Corte Suprema de Justicia . al-Ghāzītah al-Sūdānīyah = The Sudan gazette : reformatted from the original and including, Ghāzītat al-Ḥukūmah al-Sūdānīyah = Sudan Government gazette . Journal of the Senate of Oklahoma : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the Council proceedings of the ... Legislative Assembly, of the Territory of Oklahoma . Journal of the House of Representatives of Oklahoma : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the ... session of the Legislative Assembly of Oklahoma Territory . Nebraska Senate journal : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the Council at the ... session of the General Assembly of the Territory of Nebraska . Reports of the decisions of the full court of the Native High Court : reformatted from the original and including, Reports of the decisions of the full court of the Native High Court, 1899/1900-1907, Decisions of the Native High Court, 1908-1927, etc. The Natal law magazine / The Union of South Africa / Ordinances of Northern Rhodesia : reformatted from the original and including, Proclamations and ordinances of Northern Rhodesia . Cases decided in the Eastern Districts' Court : reformatted from the original and including, Cases decided in the Eastern Districts' Court of the Cape of Good Hope . The Revised edition of the laws of the Sudan from 1899 to 1926 (1st June) / The statute law of Griqualand West : comprising government notices, proclamations, and ordinances together with an appendix containing the regulations promulgated and enacted from the date of the annexation of the province as British territory to the date of its annexation to the Cape Colony / Revista trimestral de derecho privado. Nyasaland report : reformatted from the original and including, Annual report on the social and economic progress of the people of Nyasaland . Cuba before the world : a comprehensive and descriptive account of the Republic of Cuba from the earliest times to the present day : containing unembellished data for general information of history, system of government, education, sanitation, commerce, industry, agriculture, banking, society, touring, sports and notes of interest : superbly illustrated with over 300 original photographs / Basutoland proclamations and notices. La política arancelaria de Cuba / Instrucción reglamentaria para el servicio de las aduanas en los puertos habilitados de la isla de Cuba : mandada observar por real orden de 17 de febrero de 1847. A selection of leading cases for the use of students and the profession generally : with notes / South Dakota House journal : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the House of Representatives of the ... South Dakota Legislature . Modern Egypt / España y Cuba : estado político y administrativo de la Grande Antilla bajo la dominación española. Analytical index to the revised edition of the Statute law of Southern Rhodesia / The statute law of Southern Rhodesia : (From the charter to December 31, 1898.) / Swaziland legislation. The Transvaal criminal code and law of evidence / |
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