M1531.F69 C5
Chant de naissance. : Kantate nach Worten von Saint John Perse [pseud.] für Solo-Sopran, Solo-Violine und Streichorchester, fünfstimmigen Chor, Bläser, Schlagzeug und Harfe. |
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M1531.G43 C7 1997
The cries of London : for treble viol, alto viol, two tenor and bass viols (or SS/AA/TTB recorders) and voices / |
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M1531.G441 C 1997
The cries of London : for treble viol, alto viol, two tenor and bass viols (or SS/AA/TTB recorders) and voices / |
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M1531.G55 E88 2019
Etudes : for mixed chorus and brass quintet (1981) / |
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M1531.G55 E88 2020
Etudes : for mixed chorus and brass quintet / |
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M1531.G57 E6
Epitafium : na chór mieszany i zespół instrumentalny. [Op. 12. |
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M1531.G73 C3 2007
Cant de les estrelles : poema per a piano, orgue i cors (2 cors mixtes i cor de veus blanques) = poem for piano, organ and choirs (2 mixed choirs and choir of women's voices) = poema para piano, organo y coros (2 coros mixtos y coro de voces blancas) / |
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M1531.H49 C45
Cantata della fiaba estrema : per soprano, piccolo coro e tredici strumenti / |
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M1531.H49 C45 1965
Cantata della fiaba estrema : per soprano, piccolo coro e tredici strumenti / |
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M1531.H49 M94
Musen Siziliens : Konzert für Chor, zwei Klaviere, Bläser und Pauken auf Eklogen-Fragmente des Vergil = Muses of Sicily : concerto for choir, two pianos, wind instruments and timpani on fragments from the Eclogues of Vergil / |
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M1531.H54 C6
Computer cantata, for soprano, instrumental ensemble and two-channel tape recorder / |
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M1531.H56 A4
Altes irisches Lied : Einst klang in Tara Harfenton. Old Irish air, The harp that once thro' Tara's halls / |
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M1531.H56 F8 1970z
In praise of music = Frau Musica : for mixed voices, high and low, and strings (flute and other instruments ad libitum) / |
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M1531.H56 F8 2013
Dame music : (In praise of music) : for mixed voices (women's chorus, male chorus, mixed chorus), strings and other instruments ad lib., 1943 / |
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M1531.H56 J8
Die junge Magd : sechs Gedichte : für eine Altstimme, mit Flöte, Klarinette und Streichquartett : Opus 23, Nr. 2 / |
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M1531.H565 F3
The family of man. |
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M1531.H662 F8 1970z
In praise of music = Frau Musica : for mixed voices, high and low, and strings (flute and other instruments ad libitum) / |
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M1531.H7 A4
Altes irisches Lied : Einst klang in Tara Harfenton. Old Irish air, The harp that once thro' Tara's halls / |
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M1531.H753 F7
Fröhliche Wanderkantate : für gemischten Chor, Soli, Streichinstrumente, Flöte und Schlagzeug / |
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M1531.H755 H96 2016
Hymn to the New Age : for chorus, organ, and brass ensemble / |
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