Call Number (LC) Title Results
M1543.5.S92 R8 2009 Four Russian peasant songs : for equal voices with accompaniment of four horns / 1
M1543.5.T56 C7 Crown of the year : a cantata : full score / 1
M1543.5.T57 C76 2007 Four preludes from Crown of the year : for ensemble (1958) / 1
M1543.5 .V45 Venetian ceremonial motets : for S(A)S(A) and wind instruments / 1
M1543.5.V71 Q2 2008 Quatuor, pour harpe, celesta, flute et saxophone alto mi bémol, et voix féminines / 1
M1544.B36 C4 1994 The chambered nautilus : op. 66 / 1
M1544.B36 S3 1992 The sea-fairies : a cantata for women's voices with soli for soprano and contralto and accompaniment for pianoforte or orchestra : op. 59 / 1
M1544.C37 H3 The harmony of morning : for four-part chorus of women's voices and chamber orchestra / 1
M1544.D4 D3 La damoiselle élue : poème lyrique d'après D. G. Rossetti, pour voix de femmes, solo, choeur et orchestre / 1
M1544.D4 D3 1931 The blessed damozel : lyric poem : for four-part chorus of women's voices, soprano and mezzo-soprano soli, with piano accompaniment / 1
M1544 .G75 op.20 Vor der Klosterpforte : für Solostimmen, Frauenchor und Orchester, op. 20, / 1
M1544.H33 L4 1904 A legend of Granada : cantata for four-part chorus of women's voices with baritone and soprano soli and orchestral accompaniment : op. 45 / 1
M1544.K83 R5 1924 A rococo romance : op. 49 : a choral cycle of four poems for women's voices, solo soprano and orchestra (or piano) / 1
M1544 .P37 op.74 Seven Greek pastoral scenes : for four-part chorus of women's voices, soprano and alto solos, oboe, harp, and strings, or piano accompaniment : op. 74 / 1
M1544 .P37 op.74, 1993 Seven Greek pastoral scenes : for four-part chorus of women's voices, soprano and alto solos, oboe, harp, and strings, or piano accompaniment : op. 74 / 1
M1544.P38 S66 2015 Songs of meditation : for SSAA chorus and orchestra / 1
M1544.P57 S53 1953 A sketchbook of women : cantata for 3-part female voices with soprano solo, piano and string orchestra, with additional optional strings for less experienced players and optional percussion / 1
M1544.S25 M46 2016 ...memories, memories... : op. 99 / 1
M1545.G33 A2 2016 2 sange fra årstidsbilleder, opus 51, nr. 1 og 4 / 1
M1545.6.B76 C52 Children's crusade = Kinderkreuzzug : op. 82 : a ballad for children's voices and orchestra / 1