M1573.H45 V5
A village where they ring no bells. : For chorus of treble voices with piano (SSA) / |
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M1573 .M
Lines on light : women's chorus with solos and piano. |
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M1573.M28 L5
Lines on light : women's chorus with solos and piano. |
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M1573.M45 B6
Bought locks : for three-part chorus of women's voices with piano accompaniment / |
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M1573.M45 T8
Tumbling hair : for three-part chorus of women's voices with piano accompaniment / |
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M1573.M85 Z8
Zur Eröffnung der ___ : für eine Singstimme und Chor mit Begleitung der Orgel. |
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M1573.M87 L5
Little papoose : a song for three-part ladies' voices / |
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M1573 .P
Spring cantata : [cantata no. 1, for women's voices and piano, S.S.A. Op. 94] |
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M1573 P47 op.94
Spring cantata : [cantata no. 1, for women's voices and piano, S.S.A. Op. 94] |
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M1573.P68 S8
Sweet lovers love the spring : for chorus of treble voices with piano. [Texts by William Shakespeare from "As you like it" |
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M1573.P95 F2
The fall : for chorus of treble voices with piano / |
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M1573.P95 O5
O love that sings : for chorus of treble voices with piano / |
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M 1573.R66 D5
Dimanche : pour 3 voix de femmes / |
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M1573.S53 T7
The Tryst / |
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M1573.W55 H8
Huswifery : for chorus of treble voices SSA with piano / |
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La pazzia senile |
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M1574.R38 M87 1983
M1574.T75 C7
A cradle song : from "Songs of Innocence" by William Blake, [for SSAA, organ, piano optional.] |
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Margjit Hjukse op. 48 ; Brudgommen : op. 16 / |
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M1575.B47 T44 1989
There is no tune : for chamber chorus : (adapted from a poem by Talia P. Berio) / |
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