Call Number (LC) Title Results
M1578.B25 C3 Canons : unaccompanied / 1
M1578 .B3 1852 The union glee book : consisting of glees, quartetts and part songs : selected and arranged from the best European and American composers / 1
M1578 .C328 1987 The catch book : 153 catches including the complete catches of Henry Purcell / 1
M1578 .C3291 The catch club, or Merry companions. A collection of favorite catches for three and four voices / 1
M1578 .C333 1955 Catches and glees of the eighteenth century / 1
M1578.C34 C54 1801 A collection of five glees / 1
M1578 .C357 1804 A collection of catches, canons, glees, duets & c / 1
M1578 .C37 Catch that catch can, or, A new collection of catches, rounds, and canons being three or four parts in one. 2
M1578 .C53 1780 A collection of catches, canons, glees, duetts &c. / 1
M1578 .C54 1800 A collection of favorite glees, catches & rounds / 1
M1578.D23 I6 Invitation to madrigals / 1
M1578.D3 F6 Folk-songs and part-songs / 1
M1578.D4 I6 Invitation to madrigals / 1
M1578.D55 M6 Mörike-Chorliederbuch : [op. 19] / 1
M1578.G56 N6 Novi thesauri musici / 1
M1578.H3 M6 Moralia / 1
M1578.H56 C36 2007 Kanons. für Chor a cappella / 1
M1578.H65 C4 Catch that catch can : a choice collection of catches, rounds, and canons. 1
M1578.H67 G53 1811 A third collection of glees, canons and madrigals : for three, four and five voices / 1
M1578.H67 G54 1827 A fourth collection of glees, canons, &c., &c. / 1