Call Number (LC) Title Results
M1613.3 .H95 2002 Hullámzó Balaton tetején : dalok a magyar tengerről : ének- és hegedűszólam zongorakisérettel, harmóniajelzéssel = songs about the "Hungarian Sea" : voice and violin part with piano accompaniment and indication of harmony = Lieder über das "Ungarishe Meer" : Sing- und Violinstimme mit Klavierbegleitung und Akkordsymbolen / 1
M1613.3.I84 O8 The pond : for voice, flute, harp I, harp II or celesta, piano, and string orchestra / 1
M1613.3.I88 D4 2007 De la lírica campesina / 1
M1613.3.I94O93 The pond : for voice, flute, harp I, harp II or celesta, piano, and string orchestra / 1
M1613.3.I94 V7 Vote for names : for voice (or voices) and three pianos. 1
M1613.3 (INTERNET) The XII. wonders of the vvorld Set and composed for the violl de gambo, the lute, and the voyce to sing the verse, all three ioyntly, and none seuerall : also lessons for the lute and base violl to play alone : with some lessons to play lyra-wayes alone, or if you will, to fill vp the parts, with another violl set lute-way /
Ayres to sing and play to the lute and basse-violl : VVith pauins, galliards, almaines, and corantos for the lyra violl /
The second booke of ayres some, to sing and play to the base-violl alone : others, to be sung to the lute and base violl : VVith new corantoes, pauins, almaines; as also diuers new descants vpon old grounds, set to the lyra-violl.
A pilgrimes solace VVherein is contained musicall harmonie of 3. 4. and 5. parts, to be sung and plaid with the lute and viols. /
M1613.3.J33 C3 1715a Semelé : L'ile de Delos ; Le sommeil d'Ulisse : cantates francoises ; aûquelles on a joint, Le raccommodement comique / 1
M1613.3.J33 C3 1715aa Cantates françaises. 1
M1613.3.J33 C33 Cantates françaises. 1
M1613.3.J636 S65P 1999 Songs of loss : for tenor voice, violin 1, violin 2, viola, cello, d. bass : 1987 / 1
M1613.3.J64 Q54 2006 Quietness : for voice and string quartet : 1996 / 1
M1613.3.J65 I5 Invocation : for soprano voice, flute, oboe, clarinet in B♭, bassoon, horn in F, trumpet in B♭, trombone, violin, viola, cello, d. bass : 1997 / 1
M1613.3.J65 I5 1998 Invocation : for soprano voice, flute, oboe, clarinet in B♭, bassoon, horn in F, trumpet in B♭, trombone, violin, viola, cello, d. bass : 1997 / 1
M1613.3.J65 M3 2006 A man and a woman sit near each other : for baritone voice, horn in F, and clarinet in B♭ : 1993 / 1
M1613.3.J65 N54 2006 Night : for voice, oboe, and clarinet / 1
M1613.3.J65 Q54 2006 Quietness : for voice and string quartet : 1996 / 1
M1613.3.J72 Q32 Quatuor II : pour soprano colorature, violon, alto et violoncelle. 1
M1613.3.J72 Q33 Quatuor II, pour soprano colorature, violon, alto et violoncelle / 1
M1613.3.J72 Q34 Quatour II, pour soprano colorature, violon, alto et violoncelle / 1
M1613.3 .J75 1969, Score Quatuor II, pour soprano colorature, violon, alto et violoncelle / 1