Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
M1739.3 .D42 | The Dead man's song whose dwelling was near Basing-hall in the city of London : to an excellent tune, caled Flying fame &c. | 2 |
M1739.3 .E92 | An excellent ballad upon a wedding | 2 |
M1739.3 .F93 | Fye Amarillis cease to greive [sic] | 1 |
M1739.3 .I46 | Ignoramus-justice, or, The English-law turn'd into gin to let knaves out and keep honest men in an excellent song to the tune of Sir Egledemore. | 2 |
M1739.3 (INTERNET) |
A man in favour, or, The way to preferment To the tune of, Would you be a man of fashion. [A Ballad of King Henry II and the miller of Mansfield] Roaring Dick of Douer, or, The Iouiall good fellow of Kent that ne'r is willing to giue ouer, till all his money be spent : to the tune of Fuddle, roare and swagger / The wofull complaint, and lamentable death of a forsaken louer to a pleasant new tune. Faire fall all good tokens, or, A pleasant new song not common to be had, which will teach you to know good tokens from bad To a pleasant new tune. Frauncis new iigge, betweene Frauncis a gentleman, and Richard a farmer To the tune of Walsingham. Love in a maze, or, The young-man put to his dumps Here in this song you may behold and see a gallant girl obtain'd by wit and honesty ; all you that hear my song, and mark it but aright, will say true love's vvorth gold, and breeds delight. To a pleasant new tune, called,the true lovers delight, or, the Cambridge horn. Undaunted London-Derry, or, The victorious Protestants constant success against the proud French and Irish forces to the tune of, Lilli borlero. A man cannot lose his money, but he shall be mockt too, or, Suttle Mals loue to simple Coney, to make him an asse to spend his money to the tune of Oh no, no, no, not yet / Constance of Cleveland a very excellent sonnet of the most faire Lady Constance of Cleveland, and her disloyall knight : to the tune of Crimson velvet. [Jest, o]r, A Pretty iest of a bride and a bridegroome where the bridegroo[m] wa[s] most neately deceiued of his sweet- heart by a seruingman : to the tune of, Better late thriue then neuer. Chastities conquest, or, No trusting before marriage a new song, you virgins that your fame and honour prize, learn here by saving both, how to be wise, secure your treasure till you have secur'd, the purchaser and then you are insur'd a thing that forehand freeness ne'r procur'd. A Batchelers resolution, or, Have among you now, widowes or maydes ... to the tune of The blazing torch. Maister Basse his careere, or, The New hunting of the hare, to a new court tune The Faulconers hunting, to the tune of Basse his careere. A delicate new ditty composed upon the posie of a ring being, I fancie none but thee alone : sent as a new-years gift by a lover to his sweet-heart. To the tune of Dulcina. The housholders new-yeeres gift containing a pleasant dialogue betwixt the husband and his wife, pleasant to be regarded. To the tune of, where is my true-love. Halfe a dozen of good vvives All for a penny. Kind cozens or country-men what ere you be, if you want a good penny-worth, come buy it of me, sixe wives for a penny, a young one or old, a cleanely good huswife, a slut or a scold. To the tune of, The cleane contrary way. The map of Mock-begger Hall with his scituation in the spacious countrey, called, Anywhere. To the tune of It is not your notherne Nancy: or sweet is the lasse that loues mee. Fayre warning, or, Happy is he whom other mens harmes can make to beware, and to shun Satans charmes To the tune of Packingtons pound. A New ballad of the souldier and Peggy to a new northern tune. Alas poore scholler, whither wilt thou goe, or, Strange altrations which at this time be there's many did thinke they never should see. To the tune of, Halloo my fancy, &c. Death's loud allarum, or, A perfect description of the frailty of mans life with some admonitions to warne all men and women to repentance. To the tune of, Aime not too high. Sir Walter Raleigh sailing in the Low-Lands shewing how the famous ship called the Sweet Trinity was taken by a false gally, and how it was again restored by the craft of a little sea-boy, who sunk the gally, as the following song will declare : to the tune of The sailing in the Low-Lands. A proper new sonet declaring the lamentation [of Beckles in] Suffolke which was in the great winde vpon S. Andrewes eue last, past most pittifully burned with fire, to the losse by elimation of twentie thousande pound and vpwarde, and to the number of four score dwelling houses. 1586. Tow Wilsons tune. Good sir, you wrong your britches pleasantly discoursed by a witty youth, and wily wench : to the tune of Oh no, no, no, not yet, or, I'le neuer loue thee more. Advice to young gentlemen, or, An answer to The ladies of London to the tune of, The ladies of London. [The lamentation of] John Musgrave who was execued [sic] at Kendal for robbing the King's receiver, and taking away from him great store of treasure : to the tune of, Wharton. A newe ballad composed in commendation of the societie or companie of the porters to the tune of In Edenbrugh, behold / The Two faithfull friends the pleasant history of Alexander and Lodwicke, who were so like one another, that none could know them asunder ... : to the tune of Flying fame. A New merry ballad I haue here to shew, come pence a peece for them, I tell you but so to an old tune, nevvly furbusht, You'd doe so, would you not, Yes I warrant you. A fooles bolt is soone shot Good friends beware, I'me like to hit yee, what ere you be heer's that will fit yee; which way soeuer that you goe, at you I ayme my bolt and bowe. To the tune of, Oh no no no not yet. A worthy example of a vertuous wife who fed her father with her own milk, being condemned to be famished to death and after was pardoned by the Emperor. To the tune of Flying fame. A worthy mirrour, vvherein you may marke, an excellent discourse of a breeding larke To the tune of new Rogero. By reading whereof, perceiue well you may, what trust is in friends, or in kinsefolke to stay. A warning to London by the fall of Antwerp to the tune of Rovv vvel ye mariners. A good vvife, or none To a pleasant new tune. A prettie newe ballad, intytuled: the crowe sits vpon the wall, please one and please all To the tune of, please one and please all. A yong-mans most earnest affection to his sweetheart Exprest in a dainty courtly sonnet: first read and heare it, then censure vpon it. To a curious new northerne tune. A vvell vvishing to a place of pleasure To an excellent new tune. The famous ratketcher with his trauels into France, and of his returne to London. To the tune of the Iouiall tinker. The complaint of the shepheard Harpalus To a pleasant new tune. Bedlam schoolman, or, Some lines made by an English noble man, that was in Bedlam To its own proper tune. Holow my fancie, whither wilt thou go? A most pleasant ballad of patient Grissell To the tune of the brides good morrovv. A famous dittie of the ioyful receauing of the Queens moste excellent maiestie, by the worthy citizens of London the xij day of Nouember, 1584. at her graces comming to Saint Iames. To the tune of Wigmores Galliard. A comfortable new ballad of a dreame of a sinner ... A new ballad from Whigg-Land to the tune of Heigh boys up go we. The Ioyfull peace concluded betweene the King of Denmarke and the King of Sweden by the meanes of our most worthy soueraigne, Iames, by the grace of God, King of Great Brittaine, France, and Ireland, etc to the tune of Who list to lead a soldiers life. A pleasant new song of the backes complaint, for bellies wrong, or, A farwell to good fellowship to the tune of A, B, C / A Most excellent ditty, called Collins conceit ... The cunning age, or, A re-married woman repenting her marriage, rehearsing her husbands dishonest carriage being a pleasant dialogue between a re-married woman, a widdow, and a young wife : to the tune of The wiuing age. I tell you John Iarret, you'l breake Iohn Iarrets wiues counsell to her husband. The Golden age, or, An Age of plaine-dealing to a pleasant new court tune, or, Whoope doe me no harme good man. Good admonition, or, To al sorts of people this counsell I sing that in each ones affaire, to take heed's a faire thing : to the tune of, Magina-cree. A New ballad intituled a bell-man for England which night and day doth staring in all mens hearing, Gods vengeance is at hand : to the tune of O man in desperation. A Louers complaint being forsaken of his loue to a pleasant new tune. Coridons commendation in the praise of his loue the faire Phillis to a pleasant new tune. A Caueat or vvarning for all sortes of men both young and olde to auoid the company of lewd and wicked women to the tune of Virginia. A louers newest curranto, or, The lamentation of a young mans folly to a pleasant new tune. A New ballad intituled, The stout cripple of Cornwall wherein is shewed his dissolute life and deserued death : to the tune of The blind beggar. A Very godly song intituled, The earnest petition of a faithfull Christian, being clarke of Bodnam, made vpon his death bed, at the instant of his transmutation to a pleasant new tune. A breefe balet touching the traytorous takynge of Scarborow Castell A Louers lamentation to his faire Phillida A mostpleasant [sic] dialogue, or, A merry greeting betweene two louers how Will and Nan did fall at strife, and at the last, made man and wife : to the tune of Lusina / A Warning for married women by the example of Mrs. Jane Renalds a West-country woman ... who having plighted her troth to a seaman was afterwards married to a carpenter and at last carried away by a spirit, the manner how shall be presently recited : to a gallant West-country tune cal'd The fair maid of Bristol, or, Bateman, or, John True. A general sale of rebellious houshold-stuff to the tune of Old Simon the king. A new littany designed for this Lent and to be sung for the introduction of the Whiggs A constant wife and a kind wife, a loving wife and a fine wife, which gives content unto a mans life An Excellent song called The shooe-makers travel to the tune of Flying fame. A New ballad, with the definition of the word Tory A New song to the tune of A beggar I will be &c. A Strange banquet, or, The Devils entertainment by Cook Laurel at the Peak in Devonshire with a true relation of the severall dishes : the tune is, Cook Laurel. Advice to the maidens of London to forsake their fantastical top-knots; since they are become so common with Billings-gate women, and the wenches that cryes kitchin-stuff : together with the wanton misses of the town. To the tune of, Ye ladies of London. This may be printed, R.P. [A full] description of these times, or The Prince of Orange's march from Exeter to London and Father Peters and the rest of the Jesuites put to flight. ... Tune of, Packingtons Pound, Countrey Farmer, or Digby's Farwel. A warning-peice for ingroosers of corne being a true relation how the Divell met with one Goodman Inglebred of Bowton, within six miles of Holgay in Norfolk ; as he was comming from Linn market, and bargain'd for a great quantity of barly for eight shillings a bushell and gave earnest ... / A pleasant song made by a souldier whose bringing up had been dainty : and partly by those affections of his unbridled youth, is now beaten with his own rod ; and therefore termeth this his Repentance, or, the fall of folly, to an excellent new tune, called Calino. A wonder in Kent of the admirable stomacke of one Nicholas Wood, dwelling at Harrison in the county of Kent : the like of him was neuer heard, as on this ditty is declar'd : to the tune of, The maunding souldier / A friends aduice in an excellent ditty, concerning the variable changes in this world : to a pleasant new tune. Dauy Dycars dreame Cheapsides triumphs, and Chyrones Crosses lamentation to the tune of The Building. The Countrey mans chat wherein you shall finde how each man doth talke to please his owne minde : to the tune of Welcome to towne. Blanket-fair, or, The history of Temple Street being a relation of the merry pranks plaid on the River Thames during the great frost, to the tune of Packington's pound. Bloody news from Chelmsford, or, A proper new ballad containing a true and perfect relation of a most barbarous murder committed upon the body of a country curate, who died of a great wound given him in the bottom of his belly by a most cruel country-fellow for being too familiar with his wife : to the tune of Chevy Chase. Fond loue why dost thou dally, or, The passionate louers ditty in praise of his loue thats faire and witty. To the tune of The mocke widdow. The dead mans song vvhose dwelling was neere unto Bassings Hall in London. To the tune of, Flying fame. The discontented married man, or, A merry new song that was pend in foule weather, of a scould that could not keep her lips together To the tune of, Shee cannot keepe her &c. Two unfortunate lovers, or, A true relation of the lamentable end of Iohn True, and Susan Mease their lives thiss ditty doth relate, and how they dy'd unfortunate. To the tune of, The brides buriall. Friendly counsaile, or, Here's an answer to all demanders the which ile declare to all by-standers, thereby to teach them how to know a perfect friend from a flattering foe. : To the tune of I could fancy pretty Nancy. A most notable and worthy example of an vngratious sonne, who in the pride of his hart denied his owne father and how God for his offence turned his meate into loathsome toades. To the tune of Lord Darley. Clods carroll, or, A proper new iigg to be sung dialogue wise, of a man and a woman that would needs be married. To a pleasant new tune. Christmas lamentation for the losse of his acquaintance, showing how he is forst to leaue the country, and come to London. To the tune of, Now the spring is come. [The faire maides appology], or, Cupids wrongs vindicated wherein he that Cupids wiles did discover, is proved a false dissembling lover. : The mayd shewes such cause that none can her condemne, but on the contrary the fault's layd on him. : To the tune of Cupids cruell torments. The cooper of Norfolke, or, A pretty iest of a brewer and the coopers wife and how the cooper served the brewer in his kind : to the tune of, The wiving age. Good counsell for young vvooers shewing the way, the meanes, and the skill, to wooe any woman, be she what she will : then all young men that are minded to wooe, come heare this new ballad, and buy't ere you goe. : To a dainty new tune, or else it may be sung to the tune of Prettie Bessie. A bill of fare for, a Saturday nights supper, a Sunday morning breakfast, and a Munday dinner, described in a pleasant new merry ditie. : To the tune of Cooke Laurell, or, Michaelmas terme. The Geneva ballad To the tune of 48. The Character of an English-man Another ballad called the libertines lampoone, or, The curvets of conscience to the tune of Thomas Varner, or 60 / The Cunning northerne beggar vvho all the by-standers doth earnestly pray, to bestow a penny upon him to day : to the tune of Tom of Bedlam. A good wife, or none To a pleasant new tune. A new ballad, containing a communication between the carefull wife, and the comfortable husb[and] touching the common cares and charges of house-hold The lamentation of a new married man briefely declaring the sorrow and grief that comes by warrying [sic] a young wanton wife to the tune of, Where is my true loue. Constant, faire, and fine Betty Being the young-mans praise, of a curious creature. Faire shee was, and faire indeed, and constant alwayes did proceed. To the tune of, Peggy went over sea, with a souldier. A lamentable ditty composed vpon the death of Robert Lord Devereux, late earle of Essex who was beheaded in the Tower of London, on Ashwenesday in the morning, 1600. To the tune of Welladay. Deat[hs] dance To be sung to a pleasant new tune, cal[led] [O]h no, no, no, not yet, or, The meddow brow. A most sweet song of an English merchant, borne at Chichester To an excellent new tune. The distressed virgin, or, The false young-man, and the constant maid, the qualities of them both displaid To an excellent new tune. The story of David and Berseba To a pleasant new tune. The desperate damsells tragedy, or, The faithlesse young man To the tune of Dulcina. Houshold talke, or, Good councell for a married man Deliuered in a prittie dialogue, by Roger a batchelor, to Simon, a (iealous) married-man. To the tune of Buckle and thong-a. A Merry neuu catch of all [t]rades to the tune of The cleane contrary way. Any thing for a quiet life, or, The Married mans bondage to a curst wife to the tune of Oh no, no, no, not yet, or, Ile neuer loue thee more. Now she that I louyd trewly beryth a full fayre face hath chosen her. A Merry ballad of a rich maid that had 18 seuerall suitors of seuerall countries otherwise called The scornefull maid : to the tune of Hoop do me no harm good man. New verses concerning the Plot, Londons fire, & Godfreys murder given to His Majesties hand, the second of September last, by E.R. : whereto is added the papists attempts upon Justice Arnold, Mr. Thomkins, and lately on Sr. William Waller : which also may be sung to the tune, Stone walls cannot a prison make, &c. A Most excellent ballad of S. George for England and the kings daughter of Ægypt, whom he delivered from death, and how he slew a mighty dragon the tune is Flying fame. A new ballet of the straunge and most cruell whippes which the Spanyards had prepared to whippe and torment English men and women which were found and taken at the ouerthrow of certaine of the Spanish shippes in Iuly last past, 1588. To the tune of the valiant soldiour. An excellent ballad intituled, the constancy of Susanna To an excellent new tune. The merry cuckold Who frolickly taking what chance doth befall, is very well pleased with wife, hornes and all. To the tune of, The merry cuckold. A messe of good fellows: or, The generous spark who roundly, doth call, and sayes for his part, tush, we have and shall have abundance, come fill us the other od quart To the tune of, Ragged and torne. The lovers delight, or, A pleasant pastorall sonnet to a new court tune Britaines honour In the two valiant Welchmen, who fought against fifteene thousand Scots, at their now comming to England passing over Tyne ; wherof one was kill'd manfully fighting against his foe, and the other being taken prisoner, is now (upon relaxation) come to Yorke to his Majestie. The tune is, How now Mars, &c. An Excellent and most-pleasant new sonnet shewing how the goddess Diana transform'd Acteon into the shape of a hart The ill fortune of a younger brother and I wish no mans fall by such another ... : to the tune of, If I should marry a young wife / Nevvs from Ostend, or, The Souldiers loving letter to his sweet-heart in London with her kind answer to the same ... : tune of, The Seamans adieu to his dear, or, Ile [sic] go to the captain, &c. The .xxv. orders of fooles A balade specifienge partly the maner, partly the matter, in the most excellent meetyng and lyke mariage betwene our soueraigne Lord, and our soueraigne Lady, the Kynges and Queenes highnes The constancy of true loue, or, An excellent relation of the vntimely death of tvvo faithfull louers To the tune of Downe by a forrest. The brides buriall To the tune of the Ladies fall. A monstrous shape, or, A shapelesse monster a description of a female creature borne in Holland, compleat in every p[arte] save only a head like a swine, who hath travailed into many parts, and is now to be seene in London, ... To the tune of the Spanish Pavin. A dolefull ditty, or, Sorowfull sonet of the Lord Darly, sometime king of Scots, neuew to the noble and worthy King Henry the eyght and is to be song to the tune of blacke and yellowe. The Easter wedding, or, The Bridegooms joy and happiness compleated in his kind and constant bride ... to the tune of O so ungrateful a creature. A new ballad of a famous German prince and a renowned English duke who on St. James's day, one thou[sand] fought with a beast with seven heads, call'd provinces, not by land, but by water : not to be said, but sung : not high English nor Low Dutch, but to a new French tune call'd Monsieur Ragou, or, The Dancing hobby-horses. Joan's ale is new, or, A new merry medly ... to a pleasant new northern tune. A new copy of verses call'd The heiress's lamentation, or, Pity too late to the tune of The torments of a long dispair. A new Yorkshyre song, intituled: Yorke, Yorke, for my monie of all the cities that euer I see, for mery pastime and companie, except the Cittie of London. Come buy this new ballad, before you doe goe If you raile at the author, I know what I know : To the tune of, Ile tell you but so. A merry dialogue betwixt a married man and his wife, concerning the affaires of this carefull life To an excellent tune. A pleasant nevv court song, betweene a yong courtier, and a countrey lasse To a new court tune. The country-mans new care away To the tune of, Loue will find out the way. The Whig rampant, or, Exaltation being a pleasant new song of 82, to a new tune of, Hey boys, up go we. An excellent new ditty, or, Which proveth that women the best warriers be, for they made the devill from earth for to flee To the tune of, Deaths Dance. A pleasant countrey new ditty merrily shewing how to driue the cold winter away : To the tune of, when Phœbus did rest, &c. A ditty delightfull of mother watkins ale A warning wel wayed, though counted a tale. Vienna's triumph, with the Whigg's lamentation for the overthrow of the Turks to the tune of, Now now the fight's done. Fair Cynthia's sorrowful sighs being her stedfast resolution to find out her beloved Coydon : to a pleasant new tune. The female warrior relating how a woman in mans attire got an ensigns place, and so continued till the necessity of making use of a midwife discover'd her ... : tune of I am a jovial batchelor. The gossips meeting, or, The merry market-women of Taunton tune of The parliament of women, or, Digby's farewel. The Country parson's folly, or, The young Dutch woman of Westminster come off with flying colours to the tune of Folly, desperate folly, &c. A health to all good-fellowes, or, The good companions arithmaticke To the tune of, To drive the cold winter away. Choice of inuentions, or, Seuerall sorts of the figure of three that are newly compos'd as here you may see, then lend your attention you shall heare anon it goes to the tune of Rock the cradle sweet Iohn. The lamentation of Master Pages wife of Plimmouth who being enforced by her parents to wed him against her will, did most wickedly consent to his murther, for the love of George Strangwidge; for which fact she suffered death at Barstable in Devonshire. / The ansvver to the buxome virgin, or, The farmer well-fitted, for slighting his first love honest Joan When men can be so false as he, and waver with the wind, I do protest, I do not jest, they're fitted in their kind. To the tuue of, The countrey-farmer, or, the buxome virgin. Englands object, or, Good and true newes to all true-hearted subjects for the taking and apprehending of that horrid deluding sower of sedition, Hugh Peters, by the name of Thomson, in Southwarke, Saturday, September the first with his examination and entertainment by the rest of the rebellious crew now in the Tower of London. A new balade or songe, of the Lambes feast Another, out of goodwill. Celia's triumph, or, Venus dethron'd The Sale of Esau's birth-right, or, The New Buckingham ballad to the tune of the London gentlewoman, or Little Peggey Ramsey. Diana's darling, or, The modish courtier ... to an excellent new tune much in request called Diana's a nymph. The maidens complaint of her loves inconstancie Shewing it forth in every degree, she being left as one forlorne, with sorrowes she her selfe to adorne, and seems for to lament and mourne. To a delicate new tune. An answer to the Geneva ballad A ioyful nevv ballad, declaring the happie obtaining of the great galleazo, wherein Don Pietro de Valdez was the chiefe through the mightie power and prouidence of God, being a speciall token of his gracious and fatherly goodnes towards vs, to the great encouragement of all those that willingly fight in the defence of his gospel and our good Queene of England. To the tune of mounseurs Almaigne. The ret[ur]ne of M. Smythes enuoy ... An answere to maister Smyth seruaunt to the kynges most royall maiestye, and clerke of the Quenes graces councell though most unworthy / The lofty bishop, the lazy Brovvnist, and the loyall author The begger-boy of the north whose linage and calling to th'world is proclaim'd, which is to be sung to a tune so nam'd. Bee patient in trouble, or, The patient mans counsell wherein is showne the great goodness of God towards them that beare the crosses and afflictions of this world patiently : as also a friendly instruction, whereby to advise us to forsake our wonted sinnes, and turne unto the Lord by speedy repentance, very meete and necessary for the worldlings to marke, reade, heare, and make use of. To the tune of, Bodkins Galliard. |
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M1739.3 .K45 | The King and the Bishop, or, Unlearned men hard matters out can find when learned Bishops Princes eyes do blind to the tune of Chevy-Chase. | 2 |
M1739.3 .M65 | Monmouth and Bucleugh's welcome from the north, or, The loyal Protestants joy for his happy return to the tune of York and Albany's welcome to England. | 2 |
M1739.3 .M9 | My bonny dear Shonny my crowny my honey ... | 2 |
M1739.3 .N49 | A New ballad shewing how a Prince of England loved the Kings daughter of France and how the Prince was disasterously slain, and how the aforesaid Princess was afterwards married to a forester : the tune is Crimson velvet. | 2 |
M1739.3 .R43 | A riddle of state, or, The Parliament triumphant to the tune of The pink petticoat lac'd round. | 2 |
M1739.3 .S33 | Sack for my money, or, A description of the operation of sack that is still'd in the Spanish nation then buy it, deny it, like it or leave it, no one amongst ten but is willing to have it : the tune is Wet and weary. | 2 |
M1739.3 .S34 | The Saint turn'd curtezan, or, A new plot discover'd by a precious zealot of an assault and battery design'd upon the body of a sanctify'd sister &c. ... to the tune of the Quakers ballad. | 2 |
M1739.3 .S65 | A Song to His Excellency the Ld. General Monck at Skinners-Hall on Wednesday Aprill 4, 1660 at which time he was entertained by that honourable company : to the tune of I'll never leave thee more. | 2 |
M1739.3 .S83 | State & ambition a new song at the Dukes Theatre. | 2 |
M1739.3 .S87 | Strephon and Clea, or, Love in its prime being the happy shepherd and lovely nymph ... : to a pleasant new tune us'd at the Play-House. | 2 |
M1739.3 .S88 | The Squire's grief crown'd with comfort, or, Nectar preferr'd before scornfull Cynthia to the tune of Let the soldiers rejoyce. | 2 |
M1739.3 .T47 | Terrible news from Brainford, or, A perfect and true relation of one Thompson, a waterman, and two more of that function being drinking in excess at Brainsford, at the house of one Mrs. Phillpots, Thursday night, September 12 ... : to the tune of Chievy chase. | 2 |
M1739.3 .T56 | Thompson tell-lyes, or, An answer to Titus tell-troth to the tune of Hail to the mirtle shades. | 2 |
M1739.3 .T65 |
Toney's soliloquies to the tune of Dragons fall, or, The lamentation of a bad market. Toney's soliloquies to the tune of Dragons fa'l, or, The lamentation of a bad market. |
4 |
M1739.3 .T67 | The Tormented lovers ... to a pleasant play-house tune called Oh love! if e're thoul't ease a heart. | 2 |