Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
M177.I6 D4 | Improvisationen | 1 |
M177.M55 S7 | String quartet no. 2 Scherzo for piano ; The stone forest : for piano ; Menil antiphons : for 8 players ; String quartet no. 1 / | 1 |
M177.M69 A33 1991 | Quintets, quartets, etc strings and wind[s] = Streicher und Bläser = cordes et vents = archi e fiati / | 1 |
M177.M69 I67 2010 | Fantasie g-Moll ; und Fuge G-Dur ; Sonatensatz (Grave und Presto) B-Dur : für zwei Klaviere, KV Anh. 32 und KV Anh. 45, KV Anh. 42 = Fantasia in G minor ; and Fuga in G major ; Sonata movement (Grave and Presto) in B-flat major : for two pianos, K. Anh. 32 and K. Anh. 45, K. Anh. 42 / | 1 |
M177 .P64 1989 | Finnish chamber music. | 1 |
M177.V467 C49 1998 | Chanson et danses. | 1 |
M177.Z5 F4 | 3 fantazje : na instrumenty smyczkowe lub dęte i organy / | 1 |
M178 |
Lionel Tertis plays Bax, Brahms, Bach, Delius Cousins polkas, waltzes & other entertainments for cornet & trombone. Recercadas from the Tratado de Glosas Chamber music for flute, guitar and viola Tashi plays Takemitsu Triové sonáty La musique de chambre Sonatas Music of Boris Pillin Music from Berlin in the 1920's Brian Minor, saxophone Trio in E flat major for piano, clarinet, and viola, K. 498 Kegelstatt-Trio / Fantasias for viols. Twelve sonatas for trumpets, strings, timpani, and continuo Sonatae tam aris, quam aulis servientes : 1676 / Kanon & Gigue D-Dur ; Partie (Suite) G-Dur ; Partie (Suite) e-Moll ; Aria con variaz[i]oni The Gabrielis in Venice Music for viola and woodwinds Bruce Nolan plays Mozart Trio in D minor for pianoforte, violin, and violoncello, op. 32 Orchestral music The Bamberg Baroque Ensemble Entourage. Music for wind instruments Space guitars [music for new string instruments] Sonatas of the early and high baroque Quintett für Flöte, Oboe, Klarinette, Horn und Fagott, op. 43 The Flute in American music Chamber music on original instruments Triosonaten auf Originalinstrumenten um 1730 Marschmusik am Brandenburgisch-Preussischen Hofe in historischen Originalbesetzungen 1685-1823. Manuskriptübertragungen: Gerhard Pätzig. [March music at the Royal Prussian court of Brandenburg, with original instrumentation. Musical offering BWV 1079. The Brass amuse themselves Chamber music with clarinet Marice Stith plays contemporary literature for trumpet Kammermusik Six metamorphoses after Ovid [for] oboe solo, op. 49 Suite for violin and piano, op. 6. Phantasy quartet, for oboe, violin, viola, and cello, op. 2. Music for a 20th century violinist [an anthology of three decades of American music, 1940-1950-1960] The Chamber music Beethovens Grosse Fuge eine vergleichende Interpretation. Chamber music Music at the court of Frederick the Great Die 7 Kammermusiken die sogenannten Brandenburgischen / Musique de chambre avec saxophone |
44 |
M178.A1 A22 | Age of the great instrumentalists: Six chamber music masterpieces | 1 |
M178.A1 G7 | Renaissance festival music | 1 |
M178.A2 W5 | Miscellaneous chamber works / | 1 |
M178 .B11 W.161 | Zwey Trio, das erste für zwo Violinen und Bass, das zweyte für I. Querflöte, I. Violine und Bass : bey welchen beyden aber die eine von den Oberstimmen auch auf dem Flügel gespielt werden kan / | 1 |
M178.B12 K8 | The art of the fugue = (Die Kunst der Fuge) / | 1 |
M178.B23 C49 | Zwölf Stücke aus der Cartella musicale : für zwei ungleiche Instrumente / | 1 |
M178.B34 M87 | Chamber music. | 1 |
M178 .B4 | Instrumental music for wind instruments. | 1 |
M178.B4 C5 | Chamber music for wind instruments / | 1 |
M178.B4 C6 1999 | Complete music for wind ensembles : from Breitkopf & Härtel's complete works edition / | 1 |
M178.B4 D6 1999 | Complete music for wind ensembles : from Breitkopf & Härtel's complete works edition / | 1 |
M178.B4 L4 | Chamber music for wind instruments / | 1 |