Call Number (LC) Title Results
M1999 .F54 The Flemish and German schools. 1
M1999.F7 H37 1802 Harmony of harmony : in five parts ... / 1
M1999.G2 M8 Gantvoort's music reader. : A complete music course for rural and village schools, singing classes and teachers' institutes. 1
M1999 G47 German composers of the 16th and early 17th century. 1
M1999.G67 G7 The Gostling manuscript / 1
M1999.H53 O2 2018 Obras sacras. 1
M1999.H54 M43 Medieval English music anonymes des XIVe et XVe siècles. 1
M1999 .H6 1881 Hodges' anthems : a collection of new anthems, sentences, motets, chants and responses for opening and closing public worship : especially designed for the use of choirs / 1
M1999 .H9 1965 Hymns and carols / 1
M1999 .I58 1838 Introduction to sacred music; : comprising the necessary rudiments, with a choice collection of tunes, original and selected. / 1
M1999.K55 G7 1997 Great choral classics from King's 1
M1999.K76M7 M2072.4 M2128 A Moravian music sampler / 1
M1999 .K87 2013eb Vesper and compline music for one principal voice / 1
M1999.L69 T4 1873 Temple anthems : for the service of the sanctuary / 1
M1999.M27 H37 1875 The harp of praise : a new collection of church music for choirs, congregations, singing schools and conventions / 1
M1999 .M477 1997 Messe polifoniche : dei secoli XVI, XVII e XVIII / 1
M1999.M69 O3 Offertories, Kyrie, Te Deum, Veni, Regina cœli, and hymns. 1
M1999 .M872 1999 Música do Brasil colonial. II / 1
M1999 .M875 Musik in Sankt Michael, München 1
M1999 .M88 1969 Music of the American Moravians 1