Call Number (LC) Title Results
M2011.P6M3 W5 Mass in G & 8 motets 1
M2011.P78 T5 Missa tertii toni (1578) : für 4 Stimmen a cappella / 1
M2011.P785 M2 Messe en sol majeur : pour chœur mixte a cappella / 1
M2011.R83 M5 Missa in honorem Sancti Dominici : op. 66 / 1
M2011.S24 S8 Missa stylo a cappella : C-dur, gemischter Chor = C major, mixed chorus / 1
M2011.S24 S8 1993 Missa stylo a cappella : C-dur, gemischter Chor = C major, mixed chorus / 1
M2011 .S3 Motets from Cantiones sacrae (1625) 1
M2011.S36 R45 2019 Rekviem : iz muzyki k drame Shillera "Don Karlos" : dli︠a︡ solistov, smeshannogo khora i instrumental'nogo ansambli︠a︡ / 1
M2011.S55 E5 1965 English mass in honor of our Holy Father St. Dominic / 1
M2011 .S74 op.54, 1978 Mass : op. 54 : for soli and double mixed chorus a cappella / 1
M2011.S836 M36 Mass in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary : [from the 14th-century codex at Las Huelgas, Burgos] ATB (or treble voices) soli & chorus (organ and/or instruments ad lib) 1
M2011.S92 D5 Officium Dies est laetitiae : 4 vocibus concinendi / 1
M2011.S97 O3 Officium Dies est laetitiae : 4 vocibus concinendi / 1
M2011.T16 M37 1997 Missa Mater Christi : Mater Christi sanctissima / 1
M2011.T444 R4 Requiem : a dramatic dialogue in five parts for double chorus of mixed voices unacc. 1
M2011.T444 R4 1963 Requiem : a dramatic dialogue in five parts for double chorus of mixed voices unacc. 1
M2011.T444 R44 1963 Requiem : The garment of praise (Part four complete) for double chorus / 1
M2011.T444 R459 1963 Requiem : Ye were sometimes darkness (walk as children of light) from part five / 1
M2011.T58 S56 2018 Missa sex vocum : Simplici corde / 1
M2011 .T68 1999 Messe de Tournai XIVe siècle. 1