M2085.R53 E2
M2085.S5 S94 1965
Sweet was the song / |
1 |
M2085.S8 C5 1923z
Christmas carols, new and old / |
1 |
M2085 .S87 1973
Three-part xmas carols with a difference / |
1 |
M2085.T25 H3
The Hawthorn book of Christmas carols. |
1 |
M2085 .T73 1983
Treasury of Christmas carols and stories. |
1 |
M2085.T755 C57
Christmas music |
1 |
M2085.W85 A6
M2086.F44 I4
︠I︡Erusalyms'ka utren︠i︡a : u velyku P'︠i︡atny︠t︡s︠i︡u na mishanyĭ khor / |
1 |
M2086.H63 K5
Khrystos voskrese : mishanyĭ khor, sopr. (ten.) sol'o; Ploti︠i︡u usnuv : mishanyĭ khor, bas sol'o / |
1 |
M2086.R39 O7
Die Ostergeschichte : Konzert für zwei hohe Solo-Soprane und vierstimmigen gemischten Chor a capella (aus "Chormusik für das Jahr der Kirche") |
1 |
M2086.R44 T7
The treasury of Easter music, and music for Passiontide. |
1 |
M2088.A4 A38 2000
Advent for choirs / |
1 |
Cantiones sacrae 1575 |
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M2089.H54 S96 1983
Sequences and hymns / |
1 |
M2089 .M34 1993
Le Magnus liber organi de Notre-Dame de Paris / |
1 |
M2089 .M489
Medieval polyphonic sequences : an anthology / |
1 |
M2089 .T35 1575
Cantiones, quae ab argumento sacrae vocantur, quinque et sex partium, autoribus Thoma Tallisio & Guilielmo Birdo Anglis, serenissimae Regineae Maiestati á priuato sacello generosis, & organistis. |
1 |
M2092.A33 P7
A psalm trilogy : for S.A.T.B. chorus, a cappella / |
1 |
M2092.A33 P7 1997
A psalm trilogy : for S.A.T.B. chorus, a cappella / |
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