Call Number (LC) Title Results
M2092.4.B47 W5 Why art thou cast down, O my soul / 1
M2092.4.B55 S55 I am the rose of Sharon : for mixed voices (SATB) a cappella / 1
M2092.4.B55 T4 Three early American anthems / 1
M2092.4.B88 G7 Bk.1, A8 Ave verum corpus : [for] SATB, a cappella / 1
M2092.4.C47 L3 Laudetur Jesus Christus in aeternum = Chvalen buď Ježiš Kristus věky věků : a Baroque motet / 1
M2092.4 .D Two anthems : To Thee, O Lord [and] Why the fuss? for mixed chorus (S. A. T. B.) a cappella / 1
M2092.4.D38 I3 Ich wollt, dass ich daheime wär : Choralmotette für vierstimmige gemischten Chor. [(1936)] 1
M2092.4.D38 N8 Nun bitten wir den heiligen Geist : Choralmotette zu vier ungleichen Stimmen. 1935. 1
M2092.4.D5 T6 Two anthems : To Thee, O Lord [and] Why the fuss? for mixed chorus (S. A. T. B.) a cappella / 1
M2092.4.D57 K5 1994 The knights of God : for SATB choir unaccompanied with optional soli and handbells / 1
M2092.4 .H Vier Choral-Motetten für vierstimmigen Chor a capella : op. 102 / 1
M2092.4.H47 C4 Vier Choral-Motetten für vierstimmigen Chor a capella : op. 102 / 1
M2092.4.K39 N4 Sing unto the Lord : (Psalm 149), mixed voices a cappella. 1
M2092.4.L 3 salmi a cappella : op. 9. 1
M2092.4 .L Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation : motet. SATB (piano optional)
3 motetter a cappella, op. 11 /
M2092.4 .L49 op.9 3 salmi a cappella : op. 9. 1
M2092.4 L49 op.11 3 motetter a cappella, op. 11 / 1
M2092.4 .L63 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation : motet. SATB (piano optional) 1
M2092.4.L65 S2 Sacred hair : for mixed chorus, combs, and organ. 1
M2092.4.L86 O2 O Lord give ear : [for] SATB, a cappella / 1