Call Number (LC) Title Results
M21 .A73 1990 At the piano with women composers / 1
M21 .A76 1991 The Art of the unmeasured prelude : for harpsichord, France, 1660-1720 / 1
M21 .A84 1990x At the piano with women composers / 1
M21 .A872 1994 Australian piano music. 1
M21 .A874 2000 Australian piano music. 1
M21 .A92 1990 Ausgewahlte Stucke aus dem Celler Clavierbuch : (um 1662) : fur ein Tasteninstrument (Cembalo, Orgel, Klavier) / 1
M21 .B24 Bach-fiúk = Bachs Söhne = The sons of Bach / 1
M21 .B25 2003 Bärenreiter Piano Album : Barock = baroque / 1
M21 .B25 2007 Balli per cembalo : 90 keyboard pieces from early Italian manuscripts / 1
M21 .B261 2003 Bärenreiter Piano Album : Barock = baroque / 1
M21 .B262 1994 Bärenreiter Piano Album : frühe Moderne = early 20th century = les prémodernes / 1
M21 .B27 2004 Baroque keyboard masterpieces : 39 works by Bach, Handel, Scarlatti, Couperin and others /
Baroque keyboard masterpieces : 39 works by Bach, Handel, Scarlatti, Couperin and others / d edited by Paul Negri.
M21 .B28 The Baroque era : an introduction to the keyboard music / 1
M21 .B31 2004 Baroque keyboard masterpieces : 39 works by Bach, Handel, Scarlatti, Couperin and others / d edited by Paul Negri. 1
M21 .B32 1991 Baroque keyboard pieces / 1
M21.B37 L58 2002 Live from the Teatro Colón 2000 1
M21.B424N5 Neue griechische Klaviermusik = Contemporary Greek piano music / 1
M21 .B43 Bécsi klasszikusok = Wiener Klassiker = Vienna classics / 1
M21 .B434 2018 250 piano pieces for Beethoven. international composition project / 1
M21 .B434 2019 250 piano pieces for Beethoven. international composition project / 1