Call Number (LC) Title Results
M2116.H85 F3 1804 The farmer's evening entertainment : containing, I. Characters, rules, and directions for vocal music, II. A number of new tunes of as various airs and metres as the compass of the book will admit, III. New hymns, taken from sacred writ, and adapted to the tunes : calculated for social worship / 1
M2116.H85 W6 1799 Worshipper's assistant : containing the rules of music, and a variety of easy and plain psalm tunes : adapted to the weakest capacities, and designed for extensive utility, as an introduction to more critical and curious music / 1
M2116.I5 C4 The Christian harmony, or, Songster's companion / 1
M2116.I5 V4 Vermont harmony 2 : a collection of hymns, anthems, elegies, and fuging tunes / 1
M2116.J3 M3 1803 The Massachusetts harmony : consecrated to devotion ; in four parts ; never before published ; designed particularly for the use of the singing schools and musical assemblies in the United States / 1
M2116.J53 A51 1803 The American compiler of sacred harmony, no. 1 : containing the rules of psalmody, together with a collection of sacred music / 1
M2116.J53 D351 1805 The delights of harmony, or, Norfolk compiler : being a new collection of psalm tunes, hymns and anthems, with a variety of set pieces, from the most approved American and European authors : likewise the necessary rules of psalmody made easy, the whole particularly designed for the use of singing schools and musical societies in the United States / 1
M2116.J62 C46 1782 The Chorister's companion, or, Church music revised : containing, besides the necessary rules of psalmody, a variety of plain and fuging psalm tunes, together with a collection of approved hymns and anthems, many of which, never before printed. 1
M2116.J62 C46 1788 The chorister's companion : containing, besides the necessary rules of psalmody, a choice and valuable collection of psalm-tunes, hymns and anthems, from the most celebrated ancient & modern authors ; together with several tunes never before published. 1
M2116 .K48 1800 The Essex harmony : an original composition in three and four parts / 1
M2116.L28 H22 Harmonic companion, and guide to social worship : being a choice selection of tunes, adapted to the various psalms and hymns, used by the different societies in the United States : together with the principles of music, and easy lessons for learners /
Harmonic companion, and guide to social worship : being a choice selection of tunes, adapted to the various Psalms and hymns, used by the different societies in the United States; together with the principles of music, and easy lessons for learners /
M2116.L28 H22 1813 Harmonic companion, and guide to social worship : being a choice selection of tunes, adapted to the various psalms and hymns, used by the different societies in the United States ; together with the principles of music, and easy lessons for learners / 1
M2116.L41 C65 1782 A Collection of hymn tunes from the most modern and approv'd authors / 1
M2116.L41 M8 1793 The musical primer : containing the rules of psalmody, newly revised and improved. Together with a number of practical lessons and plain tunes designed expressly for the use of learners / 1
M2116.L415 R9 1792 The rudiments of music, or A short and easy treatise on the rules of psalmody. To which are annnexed, a number of psalm and hymn tunes / 1
M2116.L47 C66 1811 The concert harmony, or, Youth's assistant to sacred music / 1
M2116.L7 E3 1801 The easy instructor, or, A new method of teaching sacred harmony. : Containing the rudiments of music on an improved plan, wherein the naming and timing the notes are familiarized to the weakest capacity. With a choice collection of psalm tunes and anthems from the most celebrated authors, with a number composed in Europe and America, entirely new; suited to all the metres sung in the different Churches in the United States. Published for the use of singing societies in general, but more particularly for those who have not the advantage of an instructor / 1
M2116.L7 E3 1802a The easy instructor, or, A new method of teaching sacred harmony : containing the rudiments of music on an improved plan ... with a choice collection of psalm tunes and anthems ... / 1
M2116.L7 E3 1810 The easy instructor, or, A new method of teaching sacred harmony : containing, I. The rudiments of music on an improved plan, wherein the naming and timing of the notes are familiarized to the weakest capacity. II. A choice collection of psalm tunes and anthems, from the most celebrated authors ... Published for the use of singing societies in general, but more particularly for those who have not the advantage of an instructor. / 1
M2116.L7 E3 1810b The Easy Instructor ; or, a New Method of Teaching sacred Harmony. Containing, i. The rudiments of music on an improved plan ... ii. A choice collection of psalm tunes and anthems, from the most celebrated authors, etc. 1