Call Number (LC) Title Results
M2153.2.S36 .H374 2013 Music and Meaning in Old Hispanic Lenten Chants : Psalmi, threni and the Easter Vigil Canticles. 1
M2153.2.V45 C36 Canto gregoriano Gregorian chant. 1
M2154 .C3 Laudi quattrocentesche del Cod. Veneto Marc. It. IX 145 / 1
M2154.2 .A4 1955 Sämtliche Sequenzen, lateinisch und deutsch. 1
M2154.4 .B45 1983 Processionale monasticum ad usum Congregationis Gallicae Ordinis Sancti Benedicti. 1
M2154.5.S9 S5 Chant grégorien les vêpres du dimanche : les complies. 1
M2154.6.A45 T73 2002 The transitoria of the Ambrosian mass, edited from three sources / 1
M2154.6.A63 B35 2018 Psallendae : the Ambrosian processional antiphons / 1
M2154.6.M7 A6 1953 Antifonario visigótico mozárabe de la Catedral de León. / 1
M2154.6.S3 S 37 1537 Manuale ad vsu[m] ecclesie Sarisburiensis. Iam recens impressum: ab erratis et mendis emunctissime vindicatum pro Iacobo Cousin. 1
M2154.6.S3 S37 1537 Manuale ad vsu[m] ecclesie Sarisburiensis. Iam rece[n]s impressum: ab erratis & me[n]dis emunctissime vindicatu[m] 1
M2156 XII M1 The Lavrsky Troitsky Kondakar / 1
M2157.O7 B9 Byzantine hymnology : the divine services of the Greek Orthodox Church / 1
M2158 Music of the Russian Orthodox Church 1
M2158.O68 O3 A complete musical version in English of the Slavonic plain chant for the services of Great Vespers and Matins of the Holy Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church : containing all the sticheras, dogmatics, torparia, theotokia, sedalens, canons and gospel sticheras (eothina) of the 8 tones : of the resurrection services used at all Saturday evening Vespers and Sunday Matins. 1
M2158.O7 V4 Vespers and matins of the Eastern Orthodox Church 1
M2158.R3 L5 1988 The liturgy of St. John Chrysostom : [op. 31] / 1
M2158.S58 L58 1999 Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom 1
M2160.2 .T74 1994 A Treasury of Armenian chants / 1
M2160.5 .E Ethiopian Christian liturgical chant : an anthology / 1