Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
M298.R45 C4 2013 | Cello counterpoint : version for solo cello and pre-recorded tape / | 1 |
M298.R45 E4 1990 | Electric counterpoint : for guitar and tape or guitar ensemble / | 1 |
M298.R45 V56 2014 | Violin phase : for guitars / | 1 |
M298.R49 D7 2013 | Dream mirror : guitar and computerized musician / | 1 |
M298.R49 I77 1988 | Islands from Archipelago. oboe and computer-generated tape / | 1 |
M298.R49 M27 2014 | MARKed music : for contrabass and computer musician / | 1 |
M298.R49 S55 2015 | Shifting/drifting : for solo violin and computer musician / | 1 |
M298.R64 S63 2019 | 5 Snaredrum Duette : leicht bis schwer / | 1 |
M298.R67 S4 | Serenade for clarinet and percussion / | 1 |
M298.R68 W3 1994 | Wayfaring stranger : für Altblockflöte und Schlagzeug / | 1 |
M298.R687 A64 2013 | Amhran / | 1 |
M298.R8 P3 | Pas de deux : for B♭ clarinet and percussion / | 1 |
M298 .S |
Montags-Gruss = (Eva-Gruss) : für multiples Bassetthorn und elektr. Tasteninstrumente, 1986/88, Werk Nr. 55 : Aufführung mit Bassetthorn live und Tonband, oder nur mit Tonband / Nasenflügeltanz : für einen Schlauzeuger und einen Synthesizer-Spieler oder als Schlauzeug-Solo, vom Samstag aus Licht, 1983, Werk Nr.: 7. ex 53 / |
2 |
M298.S22 N63 1999 | NoaNoa : for flute and electronics / | 1 |
M298 .S27 no.2 | Sonanti : no. 2, per flauto (fl. alto, fl. piccolo) e percussioni : partitura / | 1 |
M298.S28 D53 2018 | Dialogue : for viola and percussion : (2010) / | 1 |
M298.S33 T7 | Trifolium : für Cembalo und Schlagzeug (1963) | 1 |
M298.S345 D36 2018 | Dance suite : for harp and computer / | 1 |
M298.S35 A53 2016 | Anagrams : for B♭ trumpet and percussion, 2011 / | 1 |
M298.S35 P25 1991 | Palindromes : for cello and percussion / | 1 |