M3 .C38 1993
M3 .C38 1993 vol. 3
Il primo libro di madrigali, canzoni e motetti e tre voci...(1569) / |
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M3 .C39
Collected works / |
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M3 .C4
Joan Cererols / |
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M3 .C42
Polnoe sobranie sochineiĭ / |
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M3 C43.S56 G66 1994
La Charanga sinfonica : for full orchestra / |
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M3 .C46
Collected works / |
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M3 .C46 2000 v.24
Musical characteristics : op. 19, per clavicembalo o pianoforte = for harpsichord (piano) / |
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M3.C485 C4 v.1.6
Cædes sanctorum innocentium, H. 411 ; Nuptiæ sacræ, H. 412 ; Cæcilia virgo et martyr, H. 413 ; In nativitatem Domini nostri Jesu Christi canticum, H. 414 / |
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M3 .C522 t.15
Utwory koncertowe : na fortepian i orkiestrę : wersa na jeden fortepian = Concert works : for piano and orchestra : version for one piano / |
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M3 .C53
Œuvres complètes / |
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M3 .C54 1967 v.36P
M3 .C549 2000 v.35P
3 sonate op. 32 per pianoforte con accompagnamento di flauto e violoncello ad libitum = for piano with flute and violoncello ad libitum / |
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M3 .C55 1949
Complete works : according to the autographs and original editions with critical commentary / |
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M3 .C55 1957
Complete works : according to the autographs and original editions with a critical commentary / |
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M3 .C557
M3 .C557 1949
Complete works : according to the autographs and original editions with critical commentary / |
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M3 .C557 t. 5 M22
Nokturny / |
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M3 .C557 t. 18 M1010
M3 .C557 t. 21 M1010